There is evidence emerging that Covid-19 is mutating, perhaps becoming more infective and less deadly. The context is of a rising infection rate across Europe without a rise in hospital admissions and without a rise in deaths. The number of Covid-related deaths in the UK had fallen to a few per day by the end of August. The number of new cases recorded daily rose from 673 on 31 July to 1,244 on 31 August. Media headlines dwell on a rising infection rate. Few report a sustained low hospital admission rate and low death rate. The media are not reporting the complete picture. This is misleading.
The UK government reports the same incomplete evidence. Why? I’d suggest that perpetuation of fear and allowing the current chaos to continue, without hope, might allow a no-deal Brexit to slip through with less coverage and challenge. Keeping away from potentially optimistic Covid-19 evidence might also let this administration put pressure on local government, supported by poorly defined and possibly exaggerated risk. This will ensure local authorities are blamed for mistakes, helping to keep this government in power.
Dr Ray Sinclair
Retired intensive care consultant, St Agnes, Cornwall
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