Livestock exhibitors will have an opportunity to show their animals at the Wilson County Fair livestock shows from Thursday through Aug. 23 at the Wilson County Fairgrounds.
The shows will include over 50 national, state, regional and county shows for cattle, goats, sheep and swine with over 20 junior shows during the 11-day event. More details and pre-registration, which is highly encouraged, for the various livestock shows can be found at www.wilsoncountyfair.net.
Safety of the Wilson County Fair’s volunteers, participants, visitors and community remains the highest priority. Taking specific direction from the Tennessee Pledge and the Tennessee Department of Agriculture’s guidance for livestock shows, visitors will be encouraged to social distance, wash hands frequently and wear masks. There will be signage posted reminding all visitors to “do your part and stay apart.”
Tennessee’s Department of Agriculture Commissioner Charlie Hatcher encourages exhibitors to participate in these shows.
“In addition to learning valuable husbandry and showmanship skills, participants can build character through experiencing responsible decision-making, confidence building, leadership development and other important life skills,” he said. “These activities will provide an opportunity for children and teens to safely exhibit their livestock, showcase their projects and demonstrate their knowledge of judging standards. For many, it will be the first time they have been able to compete since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.”
The Agriculture Education and the Birthing Barn will also have horses, pigs, goats, sheep and cattle who are scheduled to give birth during these dates. Watch the Wilson County Fair’s Facebook page for the “live stream” from the Birthing Barn to learn more about each animal and hopefully see some exciting new babies born.
— Submitted to the Democrat
Submitted to the Democrat
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