Al fresco music’s the way to go in September and early October, when Tuesday Musical Association hosts the concert series “Music al fresco: Passport 2020.”
The socially distanced concerts will take place on the front lawn of the historic Barder House in West Akron, home of Tuesday Musical’s offices. The three concerts, which have a world music theme, have been designed for those who have been missing live music and travel during the pandemic.
“We have carefully designed ‘Music al fresco: Passport 2020’ to provide a safe entertainment option for audiences in Northeast Ohio, where most live arts events have been canceled for months because of COVID-19,” Executive Director Cynthia Snider said in a release.
Guests, to be capped at 75 per concert, must bring their own chairs or blankets for the one-hour performances, which will have no intermission. Masks are required at all times except when patrons are seated. A maximum of four patrons will sit in each seating area, marked off by cones and spaced at least 10 feet apart.
Guests may bring their own picnics; food will not be sold. The concerts will not include bathroom access.
The first concert will be “Russian Duo: Balalaika and Piano” at 3 p.m. Sept. 6, featuring balalaika virtuoso Oleg Kruglyakov of Siberia and American concert pianist Terry Boyarsky. The concert will guide audiences through Russian culture with humorous pieces, virtuoso variations, dance music, folk songs and lyrical romances. Rain date is Sept. 13.
Next will be “Black Squirrel Winds: Parisian Promenade” at 3 p.m. Sept. 20. The concert will create an afternoon stroll in Paris with works by French composers including Jean-Philippe Rameau and Darius Milhaud.
Black Squirrel Winds is a Kent State University faculty wind quintet featuring Diane McCloskey Rechner, flute; Amitai Vardi, clarinet; Danna Sundet, oboe; Mark DeMio, bassoon; and Kent Larmee, horn. Rain date is Sept. 27.
Finally, “Found Sounds: Ghana, Trinidad, Brazil” will be at 3 p.m. Oct. 4, with percussionists Matt Dudack, Tom Roblee and Peter Loferski performing music from Africa to the Caribbean. They’ll share the rhythms and stories of Ghana’s gyil (a buzzing xylophone), Trinidad’s steel pan and Brazil’s samba batucada percussive style.
The 1919 Barder House, on the National Register of Historic Places, is at 1041 W. Market St. in Akron.
Tickets, sold in advance only, will be available to the public beginning Thursday at www.tuesdaymusical.org or 330-761-3460. Cost is $50 for the series or $20 for each concert.
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