Home Latest Roberts hopes to use computer technology background to help LCCC

Roberts hopes to use computer technology background to help LCCC

Roberts hopes to use computer technology background to help LCCC


CHEYENNE – Aaron Roberts hopes to use his background in computer technology to help expand Laramie County Community College’s online availability if he wins his bid to join the LCCC Board of Trustees.

“I think to become a more online presence would really just help expand the student base,” Roberts said. “COVID has brought some difficulties, but also some opportunities in the world of technology and our ability to expand that out to not only the community, but the communities around us – and eventually the entire state.”

He is one of seven candidates hoping to be elected to one of the four at-large seats that are up for grabs in the Nov. 3 general election.

Roberts noted remote learning during COVID has also revealed that while some students have access to the internet and devices to learn from home, not all students have the same access.

“How do we support them, as well, so we have equity in education?” he asked. “One of my motivators behind running for the Board of Trustees is I have the technology perspective that I think would be a benefit. I’ve seen the connectivity issues and how they can be overcome. I’m hoping that skill set will really help out at LCCC.”

Knowing the school is facing budget cuts due to statewide economic woes, Roberts suggests gearing the school’s curriculum toward programs that will help stimulate growth in the state. He said offering programs that help community members expand their skill set could show businesses looking to move to Cheyenne that there is a broad employee base in the area.

Creating more partnerships between the college and the business community is another of Roberts’ goals. He applauds the connection between LCCC and Microsoft and would like more collaborations like that.

“I’ve talked to a number of educators at LCCC, and from my perspective, they want to continue to establish more and more relationships between community leaders and the school so their students have opportunities,” he said.

Roberts said LCCC’s career and technical education opportunities are a strong feature of the school, and he would like to see an expansion to include more careers that help people transition directly from school to work.

He said part of having a great school is having great instructors, and he would like to work on showcasing the quieter lifestyle of Wyoming as a way to get and retain great faculty.

“You can have the will and the desire to expand programs, but if you don’t have the educators in place, then it’s all for naught,” he said. “What are the incentives for a highly qualified instructor to come here? That’s what we, as a community college, need to provide. Being in Cheyenne is an incentive itself – to get out of the hustle and bustle of a big city like Denver and be a part of a small, close-knit community.”

Roberts served in the Air Force before moving to Cheyenne to take a civilian job at F.E. Warren Air Force Base. He now works in the technology department of the Wyoming Game and Fish Department. He is currently enrolled in the Wyoming LEAD organization, which he said helped motivate him to seek elected office.

“I’m not a politician, by any means,” he said. “I want to get involved because I have a sincere passion for what LCCC is doing. I want to help my community.”


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