Home Latest Lifeguards in Goa to use a new technology in place of mouth-to-mouth revival to save victims

Lifeguards in Goa to use a new technology in place of mouth-to-mouth revival to save victims

Lifeguards in Goa to use a new technology in place of mouth-to-mouth revival to save victims


Due to the current pandemic, lifeguards in Goa have come up with a new resuscitation technique, which would no longer require mouth-to-mouth contact. Since the previous tactic made the lifeguards even more prone to infection transmission, the concerned department has aptly reformed it and they’re taking the help of a new technology.

A new self-inflating resuscitation device

The earlier protocol included the practice of clearing the airways to avoid sand choking, commencing CPR through compressions in the initial stages. According to reports, till now in 2020, 147 persons between the age group of 19 to 35 years have been rescued from drowning or administered with emergency medical care on the beaches of Goa. Of the 147 persons, 87 were domestic tourists, 29 foreigners and 31 local residents.

The Head of Operations at Drishti Marine which is a private lifeguard agency, Ravi Shankar, was quoted saying, “The new cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) protocol has changed. Globally, hands-only CPR is recommended which includes compression of the chest but no rescue breaths.”

Furthermore he added, “In more advanced cases, too, it’s a direct shift from the regular mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to the use of a Bag Valve mask which is a self-inflating resuscitation device. This can reduce infections or diseases being transmitted in the process between victim and the rescuer.”

“Rescue still involves a lot of unavoidable physical contact but the new protocol can curb it down significantly and offer safety to both the lifeguards as well as the rescued victims”, Ravi Shanker stated. He also mentioned that the agency’s lifeguards, approximately 400 of them, have undergone extensive training in the discipline of lifesaving norms, in line with the pandemic. The shore-based lifeguards have been undertaking all the required precautions and several instructions have been issued at all the lifeguard towers along the coast of Goa.


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