Home Health Rasgulla Chai Is The Latest Bizarre Combination That Has Left The Internet Divided

Rasgulla Chai Is The Latest Bizarre Combination That Has Left The Internet Divided

Rasgulla Chai Is The Latest Bizarre Combination That Has Left The Internet Divided


We, Indians, follow our chai time like a sacred ritual. As soon as we get over all the house chores or office meetings, we quickly make a cup of chai to sit back and relax. And since we love this concoction, we have our own recipes to make chai. Some may like it with more milk, some with less, and others may like it with no sugar. While these combinations are endless, we generally use the same ingredients to make our tea. However, every once in a while, we come across a chai recipe that leaves us flabbergasted. Recently, one such chai experiment has been doing the rounds on the internet. If you are wondering what this is about, allow us to tell you. This time, a street vendor was seen making rasgulla chai.

(Also Read: Kashmiri Noon Chai, Mulethi Chai And More: 5 Chai Recipes That Will Elevate Your Chai Experience)

As bizarre as this may sound, this rasgulla chai hails from Kolkata. In a video uploaded by food blogger @kolkatadelites, we can see the making of this chai. First, the vendor prepares typical chai by mixing the everyday ingredients. After that, he takes a piece of rasgulla and places it in a kulhad. Then he pours the chai from the top and finally garnishes it with some butter. Take a look at the full video here:

Ever since this video was uploaded, it has been viewed 748K times and has 11.7k likes and more than a thousand comments. Many have given mixed reactions to this. A user wrote, “Oh God, looking at this ruined my mood.” Another person wrote, “A time will come soon when we will be served water with chillies and salt.” Someone also said, “Please don’t mess with my chai.”

(Also Read: Nagpur’s Tea Vendor Serves His Dum Chai With A Twist, Inspired By Turkish Ice Cream)

Many people also questioned why the vendor made such a recipe in the first place.

In contrast to these comments, certain users also called this invention “unique” and “interesting”. A user also commented, “This dish was discovered by my grandfather 30 years ago. He still does this.”

(Also Read: Viral Twitter Pic Pairs Chai Ice Cream With Sugar Parantha, Intrigues Netizens)

What are your thoughts on this bizarre chai recipe? Will you ever try it? Let us know in the comments below!


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