Home Latest Russell Sage postpones fall sports season because of pandemic

Russell Sage postpones fall sports season because of pandemic

Russell Sage postpones fall sports season because of pandemic


Add Russell Sage College to the list of Capital Region colleges that won’t have a fall sports season.

The school announced Wednesday night that it has postponed its fall sports campaign because of the coronavirus pandemic. Russell Sage becomes the third college in the area to halt fall sports, joining RPI, which made its announcement June 30, and Union, which canceled on Monday.

The Empire 8, the conference Russell Sage compete in, also announced that it won’t have a fall sports season.

“The health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches, staff and entire community remains our top priority,” Russell Sage athletic director Sandy Augstein-Collins said in a press release. “In order to follow the measures required to protect our campus community — including social distancing policies, required use of personal protective equipment and reduced off-campus travel — in conjunction with the Empire 8 Conference, we will be unable to provide intercollegiate athletic competition during the fall season.  It breaks my heart to postpone more sports seasons for our student-athletes and coaches but it truly is the safe thing to do.”


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Men’s and women’s cross country, field hockey, football, men’s golf, men’s and women’s soccer, women’s tennis and women’s volleyball are affected by the postponement.

In its press release, the Empire 8 said it was committed to providing all fall student-athletes with a meaningful conference regular-season and championship tournament experience in the spring of 2021 provided it is safe to do so. The conference said it’s developing models and conference schedules to prepare for a successful experience.

A decision the winter sports season will be made at a later date.


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