Home Latest New youth sports guidelines announced for St. Louis County

New youth sports guidelines announced for St. Louis County

New youth sports guidelines announced for St. Louis County


ST. LOUIS COUNTY (KMOV.com) – New guidelines for youth sports will take effect in St. Louis County Friday.

On Sept. 11, high-frequency contact sports for those over the age of 14, including basketball, lacrosse, wresting, rugby and football, will face more restrictions. The restrictions include no competitions and a maximum of 30 athletes allowed at practices.

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Moderate-frequency contact sports, such as baseball, field hockey and soccer, will be able to continue practicing with no limit on the number of participants and coaches. For children younger than 14, games and competitions with other teams from the Region are allowed, but players 14 years and older will not be allowed to participate in games or scrimmages.

Sports like diving, golf, bowling, tennis and track will be able to compete and practice with a full team.

Spectators are not allowed allowed for any of the groups. 

Click here for the detailed breakdown of all the restrictions that will go into effect on Sept. 11.

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