Home FEATURED NEWS Heathrow BA employees hiding in India after serving to desis enter Canada with out visas

Heathrow BA employees hiding in India after serving to desis enter Canada with out visas



A former British Airways supervisor is on the run in India after fleeing the UK having been accused of a £3 million (Rs 31 crore) …
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LONDON: A former British Airways supervisor is on the run in India after fleeing the UK having been accused of a £3 million (Rs 31 crore) immigration rip-off. The man had been working as a BA check-in supervisor at Heathrow Terminal 5 the place he’s alleged to have accepted £25,000 (Rs 26 lakh) as bribes per head over 5 years to permit Indians in London onto BA flights to Canada with out legitimate visas.

Upon arrival in Canada, the Indians instantly made asylum claims. The man fled to India together with his associate, who was working in BA floor companies, after he was arrested in UK on Jan 6 and bailed for the offence. BA has sacked each members of employees.

UK police are working with Indian authorities to trace down the pair and extradite them to Britain to face expenses. The man is known to have a number of properties in India, presumably paid for utilizing his multi-million-pound revenue from the racket.

A supply informed TOI: “The scam was to help Indians get to Canada – not into the UK – as they had the correct documentation to be in the UK.” The Indians had both flown to the UK on BA flights on customer visas with the objective of getting into Canada or have been asylum seekers in Britain who apprehensive their claims can be rejected, resulting in deportation.

A supply informed The Times: “He ensured they came to his check-in desk and then made sure he was at the boarding gate too… He claimed it was useful because he was bilingual.”

Canadian authorities raised the alarm after noticing a sample of Indians arriving off BA flights from London and claiming asylum upon arrival, The Sun reported.

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