Home Latest ‘Hub Of Murderers’: Bangladesh Backs India, Criticizes Canada’s Extradition Policies

‘Hub Of Murderers’: Bangladesh Backs India, Criticizes Canada’s Extradition Policies

‘Hub Of Murderers’: Bangladesh Backs India, Criticizes Canada’s Extradition Policies


At the centre of this controversy is Canada’s refusal to extradite Noor Chowdhury, the self-confessed murderer of Bangladesh’s founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This refusal has triggered sturdy objections from Bangladesh and India.

Updated Sep 29, 2023 | 08:44 PM IST

‘Hub Of Murderers’: Bangladesh Backs India, Criticizes Canada’s Extradition Policies (File Photo)

Photo : AFP

New Delhi: Amid escalating tensions between India and Canada, Bangladesh has thrown its weight behind New Delhi, slamming Canada for sheltering murderers. In an interview with India Today, Bangladesh’s Foreign Minister, AK Abdul Momen, made a daring assertion, saying, “Canada must not be a hub of all the murderers. The murderers can go to Canada and take shelter, and they can have a wonderful life while those they killed, their relatives are suffering.”

At the centre of this controversy is Canada’s refusal to extradite Noor Chowdhury, the self-confessed murderer of Bangladesh’s founding father, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. This refusal has triggered sturdy objections from Bangladesh and India.

The critique from Bangladesh highlights a rising sentiment amongst nations that Canada’s extradition insurance policies, significantly its opposition to the demise penalty, have gotten a protecting protect for criminals. While Canada’s stance is grounded in its dedication to human rights, it’s more and more perceived by its worldwide companions as a possible loophole for criminals and terrorists.

The extradition disputes between Canada and nations like Bangladesh and India exemplify the challenges nations face in placing a steadiness between worldwide regulation, human rights, and nationwide safety. These points have taken centre stage, prompting a reevaluation of Canada’s extradition insurance policies.

As Bangladesh boldly speaks out in opposition to Canada’s stance, the highlight is now firmly on Canada’s extradition insurance policies. The unfolding occasions have broader implications, not just for bilateral relations but in addition for setting a precedent on how nations navigate the complicated challenge of extradition in an interconnected world.

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