NEW DELHI: Actor Salman Khan came under heavy online trolling for partying amid the Aryan Khan drugs case. On Tuesday night, Salman Khan was photographed arriving at his brother-in-law Aayush Sharma’s residence to attend his birthday bash. The actor had arrived with his girlfriend Iulia at the party.
While Salman was seen posing for the paps, Iulia got out of the car and went inside the building, without posing for the photographers. However, netizens were not too pleased seeing him attending parties when his friend Shah Rukh Khan is going through a difficult time, with his son Aryan Khan lodged behind bars in drugs case.
Watch the video of Salman Khan and Iulia Vantur arriving at Aayush Sharma’s residence:
Meanwhile, according to reports, Salman and his entire family members have been constantly in touch with Shah Rukh and Gauri and taking regular updates of Aryan Khan. Reports say that Salman’s parents Salim Khan and Salma Khan have been praying for Aryan’s bail.
A few days back, Shah Rukh visited his son Aryan at Arthur Road jail in Mumbai. Shah Rukh and Gauri also reportedly had a video call with Aryan after his bail plea was rejected by the session court.
The Bombay High Court on Wednesday adjourned Aryan’s bail hearing for tomorrow.
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