Home Latest SEC adds third weekly coronavirus test for athletes in high-contact sports, conference announces

SEC adds third weekly coronavirus test for athletes in high-contact sports, conference announces

SEC adds third weekly coronavirus test for athletes in high-contact sports, conference announces


Southeastern Conference players in high-contact sports like football will receive an additional weekly COVID-19 test this season.

The league announced Friday athletes will be tested three times a week, a measure recommended by the conference’s Return to Activity and Medical Guidance Task Force. The SEC previously said players would have two tests per week.

Players in high-contact sports will now receive a rapid diagnostic test close to game day, as well as two PCR tests in the week before games. All tests within the SEC will go through a centralized, third-party provider.

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The conference also specified requirements for the cardiac evaluation individuals with confirmed infections must pass before they return from isolation. Physicians will evaluate troponin level, perform an electrocardiogram and echocardiogram and do a medical evaluation.

“We remain vigilant in monitoring the trends and effects of COVID-19 as we learn more about the virus, and this cardiac evaluation enhances the effectiveness of the protocols already in place,” SEC commissioner Greg Sankey said in a statement.

“We are confident in our institutions’ ability to provide a healthy environment supported by rigorous testing and surveillance. Our student-athletes have indicated their desire to compete and it is our responsibility to make every effort to deliver a healthy and medically sound environment for providing that opportunity.”


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