Home Health 1.3 lakh well being & wellness centres throughout nation: Health minister

1.3 lakh well being & wellness centres throughout nation: Health minister

1.3 lakh well being & wellness centres  throughout nation: Health minister


Over 1.3 lakh well being and wellness centres have already develop into practical throughout the nation and the goal of 1.5 lakh is predicted to be achieved by the top of the month, mentioned Union Health Minister Dr Mansukh Mandaviya on the inauguration of a gathering of healthcare staff in Varanasi forward of the Universal Health Coverage Day on December 12.

“While going to the National Cancer Centre at AIIMS Jhajjar, I saw a health and wellness centre and decided to go in. The doctor first consulted a patient, felt the need for a consultation with a specialist, and was able to connect with a doctor from PGI Chandigarh on e-Sanjeevani. This saves the person a trip to a district or tertiary care hospital, prevents loss of daily wage for the family member, and saves the money spent on travelling,” mentioned Mandaviya. He mentioned over 8 crore tele-consultations have been supplied on the platform.

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