Home Latest 20 minutes full-body workout by fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh – Times of India

20 minutes full-body workout by fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh – Times of India

20 minutes full-body workout by fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh – Times of India


All those who believe that it is impossible to get fit and toned without stepping in the gym, certainly have not tried bodyweight workout. Bodyweight workout is highly underestimated as compared to lifting weights and other cardio exercises. But by getting creative with bodyweight exercises, you can lose fat and get fitter faster. There are several benefits of performing bodyweight workouts and rarely any drawbacks. Whether you choose to perform bodyweight exercise alone or incorporate them in your workout routine, it will only help to make your full-body stronger. As per research published in the journal, Experimental Gerontology, if you’re looking to build muscles, bodyweight training and resistance training are indistinguishable from one another. However, not all bodyweight exercises and workouts are created equal, you have to find out the best ones to gain maximum results.

Malaysian fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh guides us to choose the right kind of bodyweight exercises to train the entire body in one go. In this 20-minute bodyweight training video, which is specially put together for all the beginners, he has used no equipment and has included exercises that engage all body parts.

To watch more workout videos from Malaysian fitness trainer Jordan Yeoh, click here

The whole circuit consists of 6 exercises which you have to repeat in 5 rounds. Each exercise has to be performed for 30 seconds, followed by 10 minutes of resting time. Besides after every round, you have to rest for 1 minute.

Round 1

Chair Squat


Jumping jack

Knee push-ups

Reverse lunges

Alternate toes touch

Round 2

Chair Squat (increase the speed)

Plank heel raise

Jumping jack

Half push-ups

Lateral squat

High knee up

Round 3

Air squat

Shoulder tap


Push up jack

Split squat


Round 4

Prisoners squat

Contra lateral

Jumping jack

Push up jack

Step back lunges

Hip bridge crunches

Round 5

Ground to overhead

Plank in and out

Running in place

Dive in

Lateral shuffle

Mountain climbers

A few things to remember:

These are all beginners level exercises, which everyone can do easily. If you have just dived into the world of fitness, then have patience and work hard to master the moves. There are a few things that you need to be careful about while performing these exercises.

Warm-up and cool down is an important part of any workout routine. Stretching your muscles prepares your body to perform intense exercises and prevent injuries.

Rather than focusing on the number of repetitions, try to correct your form. You will not reap any benefit from these exercises if you form is not correct.

It is important to take a rest for a few minutes between every round to re-energise yourself.

Remember that intensity is one of the important factors of any exercise. It determines how many calories your burn and the outcome of your effort.


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