Home Latest 5 Most Extreme Sports in the World

5 Most Extreme Sports in the World

5 Most Extreme Sports in the World


It’s not just today that sport is part of our lives — see the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece — but, for some time now, more and more unusual practices have emerged. Whether due to the desire to live life to the fullest or the incessant search for new challenges, extreme sports are gaining ground in the world. Discover, below, the most practiced extreme sports worldwide.



Since the beginning of our history, man has had to climb, either to look for food or to flee from terrestrial predators – the fact is that height has always been our ally. Climbing as a sporting practice, on the other hand, does not have a certain date of appearance: it is estimated that it took place in the mid-1970s, invented by a Ukrainian.

The first registered championship took place in just 1985. Sport climbing can be a team or individual sport. The equipment needed to practice it, in general, are: The seat belt (which holds climbers in case of a fall); a rope fit for practice; as well as specific shoes for stepping on the rocks. And of course a lot of strength and flexibility.



In the late 50’s, Californian surfers, who were already out of patience to wait for good waves to surf, decided to think of a similar activity, but that did not depend on weather and tide conditions. Here comes the first skateboard: with roller skates on a wooden board shaped like a board. For those who want to learn to skate, the good news is that you no longer need to buy skates and a board as they are now sold pre-assembled. Playing aside, in addition to skateboarding, to practice the sport it is also recommended to wear a helmet and, possibly, knee and elbow protectors.



As with climbing, the first recorded rafting was done out of necessity rather than sport, taking place in 1869 on an expedition on the Colorado River. Considering the precariousness of the equipment and the wooden boat, it is possible to imagine the damage that was caused in the end. A few years later, however, wooden boats were replaced by inflatable boats and rafting became a sport.

Generally speaking, rafting is practiced in groups, with the number of participants depending on the size of the boat. Although the practice can also be performed individually, this is not indicated, as it can lead to lack of help in case of accidents. So, get expert help to practice. To start venturing you will need: Inflatable boat; oars; clothing suitable for water; helmet; and survival kits.


Jump With A Parachute

Parachute jumps have been around since man decided he would fly and he did. They were initially used both for aircraft emergency maneuvers and for invasions of strategic locations during the war. Skydiving is probably one of the most expensive extreme sports, due to the fact that to practice it, you first need to be on a specific plane, which will take off solely for you (and whoever else you’re with) can perform the jump. In addition, whoever is a beginner must first jump with an instructor, as to practice the sport alone it is necessary to obtain a certificate of their own. Bungee


Bungee Jumping

The origin of bungee jumping is actually unknown, but there are some interesting theories about its emergence. One, for example, involves a woman who, to prove her purity to her husband, jumped out of a tree with her ankles tied. But the fact is that this practice emerged, as a sport, in mid-1954, or at least that was when it became known. As with other extreme sports, it is essential that you seek specialized professional help, which can guarantee you safety in the practice of the sport. To practice bungee jumping it is necessary to use: Clips; belts; couplings; and, above all, an elastic rope, which guarantees the safety and success of the jump.



Finally, of course, a dose of courage is also essential. As we have seen, some extreme sports emerged in a completely unusual way, but due to the adrenaline and pleasure they could generate, they quickly became popular with the public, who soon improved on them. Despite this, it is worth remembering that extreme sports have this name for a reason: they always pose some risk and, therefore, it is important that you have ways to protect yourself in case something happens.

For more info on extreme sports, check out: https://sportadrenaline.com


Disclaimer: No Deccan Chronicle journalist was involved in creating this content. The group also takes no responsibility for this content.


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