Home Latest 5 technologies propelling the energy transition

5 technologies propelling the energy transition

5 technologies propelling the energy transition


As states continue efforts to pursue clean energy targets, new technologies are emerging to help usher sweeping changes.

Utility Dive spoke with a wide array of experts to identify five key technologies that will propel the power sector’s transformation: green hydrogen, distributed energy aggregation, transmission development, fine-tuning wind and solar power, and power sector digitization.

This series is focused on technologies that could strengthen the grid, increasing reliability and making clean energy more affordable and available. Such developments are crucial to deploying higher levels of renewable energy onto the grid.

Energy markets are signaling interest in smarter applications of clean energy, by utilizing big data solutions in distributed or utility-scale renewable energy systems.

As a result, we felt it was crucial to highlight projects applying more advanced applications of these technologies.

Our list of the top five technologies impacting the sector in the near term is notably missing energy storage — Utility Dive will be releasing a larger project later this year dedicated to the different ways energy storage interacts with the grid. Make sure to subscribe to our Energy Storage weekly newsletter to not miss out on our analysis of the technology.


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