Home Health 5 Watermelon Cocktail Recipes To Keep You Cool This Summer

5 Watermelon Cocktail Recipes To Keep You Cool This Summer

5 Watermelon Cocktail Recipes To Keep You Cool This Summer


Watermelon season is right here! Who would not love the recent, candy, crunchy, and juicy watermelons? While you’ll be able to at all times lower the fruit and chew into the juicy goodness, there are additionally another wonderful methods to utilize the watermelon season. You guessed it proper, it’s cocktails! We have a listing of some scrumptious and fruity watermelon-based cocktail recipes, which is able to develop into your favorite summer time cocktails for all events or chilling weekends. Are you prepared to satisfy your favorite new drinks? Read on!

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Here Are 5 Fabulous Watermelon Cocktails to Try This Summer 2024:

1. Watermelon Margarita

Watermelon and tequila come collectively to make a unbelievable margarita you’ll fall in love with sip by sip. All you want is tequila, lime juice, watermelon juice, and mint. Mix properly in a cocktail shaker and serve on the rocks. Enjoy!

2. Watermelon Sangria

Summer means it is time to carry again sangria! Combine watermelon with chilled white wine, white rum, and lime juice to make this sweet-and-sour cocktail. Add items of frozen fruits like pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, and extra watermelon. Enjoy!

Also Read: Love Watermelon? Make These 5 Refreshing Drinks To Beat The Heat

3. Watermelon Mint Mojito

If Mojito is your forever-love cocktail, it is time to make it extra thrilling by including the watermelon magic. To make this refreshing cocktail, you want watermelon, mint leaves, lime juice, mild rum, and membership soda. You can even make it extra enjoyable by including watermelon balls to the drink.

4. Watermelon Mimosa

Add a fruity and cooling punch to your summer time brunches with this scrumptious watermelon mimosa recipe. Blend watermelon cubes, lime juice, and sugar. Strain the combo. Now, take champagne flutes and first fill them midway with watermelon juice, and observe it up with champagne. Garnish with watermelon wedges. Serve and luxuriate in!

Also Read: What Your Favourite Alcoholic Drink Says About Your Personality

5. Watermelon Pina Colada

Now that we’re organising a summer time and tropical vibe, we can not depart behind the beach-favorite Pina coladas. All you should do is observe your common Pina colada recipe with white rum and pineapple chunks, and in addition add frozen watermelon whereas making ready the chilly, easy mix. Here is the basic Pina colada recipe.

Which of those recipes will you do this weekend? Share with us within the feedback part.

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