Home Latest 6 summertime solo sports

6 summertime solo sports

6 summertime solo sports


If you want to stay active during the pandemic, there are plenty of sports you can enjoy while keeping a safe distance from other people. Here are six you may want to try this summer.

Rock climbing

Learning how to rock climb takes a bit of training, but it can be an exhilarating way to push your limits, test your problem-solving skills and spend time in nature.


A relaxing paddle at dawn or dusk might be just what you need to recharge. This is also a great option if you want a cardiovascular workout that’s easy on your joints.

Roller skating

Did you know that roller skating provides a better aerobic workout than cycling? It can also be a low-impact alternative to running and a fun way to improve your balance.


If you’re looking for peace and quiet, you might just find it in the middle of a lake. Plus, you’ll be able to bring home your evening meal. Check your local fishing guidelines for catch limits and regulations.

Stand-up paddleboarding

There’s a reason this activity has become increasingly popular in the last few years. It’s relatively easy to learn and can be done on nearly any body of water.


From easy strolls along lakeside boardwalks to challenging treks through forests and mountains, there’s an outdoor adventure that’s right for everyone.

In addition to these solo sports, there are many others including swimming, cycling, archery and horseback riding. You might also be able to play sports like golf, tennis and badminton, so long as you and your opponent respect social distancing regulations and hygiene practices. Check with your municipality for guidelines.


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