Workout in the morning
It is great if you have this habit already, but if not, now is the time to develop this healthy habit. Morning workouts are always better than evening workouts as morning workouts increase your energy throughout the day along with improving your mood.
Learning to manage stress and anxiety
If you don’t learn how to manage stress and anxiety even in your 30s, it can lead to serious health issues as you age. From digestion concerns to inability to losing weight, stress is responsible for 77 per cent of illnesses. That is why learning to manage stress is the key to happiness in all stages of your life.
Getting regular health checkups done
Yes, we know you are too busy but no matter what, make sure not to miss your doctor’s appointment. Women should also be aware of when they need to get their pap smears, immunizations and breast exams. Also, early diagnosis of a medical condition is important for its successful and easy treatment.
Maintaining a healthy weight
Maintaining a healthy weight is important for longevity. As we age, our metabolism slows down and we get caught up in so many things and don’t find time to exercise, which leads to weight gain. High BMI is associated with increased risk of heart diseases, diabetes and fertility problems. Thus, maintaining your weight is important for having a healthy life.
Take care of your bones
As you are now in your 30s, you need to take extra care of your bones. Bone density peaks in your 30s, so this is the time to make sure you are doing everything possible to build and maintain healthy and strong bones.
Get adequate levels of calcium and vitamin D.
Reduce your sugar intake
As the number of candles increases on your birthday cake, you need to make smart food choices. The best thing to control the inches on your waistline is by controlling your sugar intake. Too much sugar leads to weight gain and inflammation in the body, which can serve as a host of many health issues.
Start applying sunscreen regularly
No matter in which part of the world you live in, you need to apply sunscreen daily to protect your skin. Forgetting to apply sunscreen even occasionally can impact your skin for the long term.
Know your family health history
As you age, it’s important not just to know but keep a track of diseases that you are at risk of developing genetically. Also, you should know at what age your family member got diagnosed with a disease and get yourself checked for the same much before that age. Like if someone in your family got colorectal cancer at the age of 46, you should start getting yourself tested at 36 years.
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