Home Entertainment ‘$750’: Hollywood reacts in disgust to Trump’s tax returns

‘$750’: Hollywood reacts in disgust to Trump’s tax returns

‘$750’: Hollywood reacts in disgust to Trump’s tax returns


Gabrielle Union, Kumail Nanjiani, Jim Carrey, George Takei, Billy Eichner, Padma Lakshmi, Josh Gad, Ava DuVernay and other celebrities are holding President Donald Trump accountable on social media for tax avoidance after The New York Times reported that Trump paid just $750 in federal income tax in 2016 and 2017 _ and no federal income tax whatsoever in 11 of the previous 18 years.

“You read that right,” filmmaker DuVernay tweeted on Sunday. “None. Zero.”

Multiple entertainment luminaries, such as “L.A.’s Finest” star Union and comedian Nanjiani couldn’t help but fixate on the exceptionally low tax amount _ $750 _ that Trump managed to maintain as many of his key businesses incurred significant losses. Others wondered to what extent the president’s financial interests have been affecting the American people.

“It troubles me greatly that Trump was under tremendous personal pressure financially to get his properties generating income again, which meant reopening the economy faster,” “Star Trek” icon Takei wrote. “Who can say how this influenced his policies and rhetoric? This is the huge problem with huge conflicts.”

A “fraud,” “crooks” and “worthless trash” were a few of the words celebrities used to describe Trump and his family after their financial transgressions were exposed, while “Kidding” actor Carrey channeled his disgust into art with a sketch of Trump sweating bullets.

“The IRS doesn’t do Fake News,” Carrey tweeted. “We paid for the billionaire lifestyle of Dishonest Don and his creepy friends. Maybe it’s time for all of US to stop paying our taxes and report giant fake losses so we can be billionaires too! Hmmm … “

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