Home Latest ‘90% beggars’ arrested overseas belong to Pakistan: Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis

‘90% beggars’ arrested overseas belong to Pakistan: Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis

‘90% beggars’ arrested overseas belong to Pakistan: Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis


As many as 90 per cent of beggars arrested in international international locations belong to Pakistan, reported The Dawn.

The Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis was knowledgeable on Wednesday that numerous beggars from Pakistan had been transferring overseas, which has additional spurred “human trafficking”.  (AFP/File)

The Senate Standing Committee on Overseas Pakistanis was knowledgeable on Wednesday that numerous beggars from Pakistan had been transferring overseas, which has additional spurred “human trafficking”.

Overseas Ministry Secretary Zulfikar Haider disclosed this throughout a dialogue within the Senate panel on the problem of expert and unskilled labour leaving the nation.

Haider advised the committee {that a} staggering “90 per cent of beggars” arrested in international international locations had been of Pakistani origin, Dawn reported.

He additional stated that many beggars exploited pilgrim visas to journey to Saudi Arabia, Iran and Iraq.

Adding to this, he famous {that a} important variety of pickpockets had been arrested at holy websites and had been recognized to be Pakistani nationals.

Meanwhile, Haider stated that Japan has now emerged as a brand new vacation spot of such guests, in line with Dawn.

Moreover, he emphasised Pakistan’s historic function in exporting expert labour and expressed optimism that the nation’s international remittances would improve when professionals went overseas.

He additional stated that Saudi Arabia now most well-liked expert labour over untrained people, in line with Dawn.

Hasan additionally famous that as many as 50,000 engineers in Pakistan had been unemployed.

“India has reached the moon, while we stumble every day,” the senator added.

He also informed that that approximately three million people were in Saudi Arabia, 1.5 million Pakistanis were in the UAE, while 0.2 million were in Qatar.

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