Home Latest Lawmakers Urge Gov. Wolf To Sign Bill Focused On School Sports Decisions

Lawmakers Urge Gov. Wolf To Sign Bill Focused On School Sports Decisions

Lawmakers Urge Gov. Wolf To Sign Bill Focused On School Sports Decisions


HARRISBURG, Pa. (KDKA) – Lawmakers in Harrisburg continue to ask Governor Tom Wolf to pass House Bill 2787.

This bill would allow individual schools to decide what happens with sports spectators, not the state.

“That sense of pride, that sense of community and brings people together, that’s what the community looks forward to,” said McKeesport athletic director Charley Kiss.

Meanwhile, the federal ruling on Pennsylvania’s gathering limits could shake up Friday night games when it comes to fans in the stands.

“The question is this: who is Governor Wolf? Who is (Health) Secretary (Rachel) Levine or anyone else in Harrisburg to dictate moms, dads, grandmas, grandpas, brothers and sisters can’t be at events to watch their loved ones compete?” said Representative Mike Reese.

The PIAA met on Wednesday to discuss how this federal ruling will impact sports across the Commonwealth. While local athletic directors await a response, Kiss said it is possible to safely space out more than 250 people in a stadium.

“I’m sure we can go further than that. We’ve marked out our Xs in the stands. We’ve made other sections to keep it segregated where they use restrooms separately and come in and out separately,” Kiss said.

In Harrisburg, lawmakers want to put that decision in the hands of the local districts and are fighting back after Governor Wolf said he plans to veto the House Bill 2787.

“I cannot imagine being told by anyone that I am not allowed to go see my girls play field hockey in a 5,000 seat football stadium in the open air,” said Representative Joe Emrick.

Those lawmakers are working to the numbers to override his potential veto. Meanwhile, Allegheny County health leaders said they are reviewing the federal ruling and would be reaching out to schools to reinforce the gathering limits until they hear otherwise.

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