Home Latest Minister opens fund to help sport return

Minister opens fund to help sport return

Minister opens fund to help sport return


Antoinette McKeown of Sport NI
Sport NI, of whom Antoinette McKeown is Chief Executive, will administer the Safe Sports Pack fund

Communities Minister Carál Ní Chuilín has announced the opening of a £1million fund to assist with equipment to assist the safe return to sport.

The Covid-19 Safe Sports Packs fund, which will be administered by Sport NI, will be used to help ensure a safe return to sport for children, coaches, participants, volunteers and parents.

A Return to Sport Signage Pack will be distributed to clubs and organisations.

The packs will also include hand sanitiser, face masks and gloves.

The Communities Minister hopes the provision of the equipment will help to provide a safe environment for sport to continue safely in the context of the continued fight to halt the spread of coronavirus.

Minister Ní Chuilín said: “I am delighted to announce the opening of this £1million fund for the sports sector, as together we take tentative steps to return to sport in a safe and measured way.

“We all have a role to play in controlling the spread of Covid-19 and the provision of this necessary PPE equipment to sports clubs and sporting organisations will help in our fight against this virus.

“I hope that by providing these Covid Safe Sport Packs to clubs, it will ease some of the financial strain which is associated with a safe return to sport in this new environment.”

Antoinette McKeown, Chief Executive of Sport NI commented: “We have listened carefully to what the sports sector has been telling us recently as they facilitate a safe return to sport.

“One of the key challenges sports were facing was a need for adequate PPE for officials, coaches and leaders and participants.

“We are delighted that the Department for Communities provided this £1million to meet that challenge and we are inviting sports clubs and organisations to register an Expression of Interest to receive a free COVID Safe Sport Pack that will help protect and strengthen inclusive sports participation and support a safe return to sport.”


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