Note: Many events are canceled or postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Check with venues for updates.
• Elton John: Previously scheduled for May 1-2, Little Caesars Arena, Detroit, has been rescheduled for Feb. 8-9, 2022.
Tickets will be honored for rescheduled shows. Ticketholders have 30 days to request a refund at point of purchase. Tickets on sale at Ticketmaster.com or 800-745-3000, Livenation.com, 313Presents.com.
• Royal Park Hotel pop-up gallery: For Paint Creek Center for the Arts, through Sept. 30. Plein Air Artist Painting Days 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Sept. 25, 1-5 p.m. Sept. 26, Royal Park Hotel, 600 E University Drive, Rochester. Packages available for art-centered overnight stay with a portion of proceeds benefiting Paint Creek Center for the Arts, royalparkhotel.net, 248-652-2600.
• West of Center: Juried all-media exhibition through Sept. 26, Northville Art House, 215 W. Cady, Northville, masks required, 248-344-0497 virtual exhibition at northvillearthouse.org.
• Call for Artists: Open Air Mini Mitten Markets 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturdays and Sundays, tentatively Sept. 26 to Oct. 25, outdoors, next to Made In The Mitten, 706 S. Washington Ave., Royal Oak. Free, COVID precautions. Parking in Lafayette Street parking structure. Vendors, musicians are sought, bit.ly/MittenMarkets.
• Cranbrook Art Museum: “Shapeshifters-Transformations in Contemporary” and “Headspace-Jim Dine’s Glyptotek,” 39221 Woodward Ave, Bloomfield Hills. Visitors must register for timed tours at cranbrookartmuseum.org. Conversations with Cranbrook about collections, via Zoom, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Sept. 29, cranbrookartmuseum.org/events/.
• 35th Annual OUR TOWN Art Show and Sale: Virtual event through Sept. 30, The Community House of Birmingham, communityhouse.com/event/our-town-art-show-sale.
• Photo Prize Awards and Exhibit: 5:30 p.m. Oct. 1, the Southfield Municipal Campus picnic shelter pavilion, behind Southfield Sports Arena Pool, 26000 Evergreen Road, Southfield. Attendees RSVP to Community Relations at lcarr@cityofsouthfield.com or 248-796-5130 by Sept. 29, cityofsouthfield.com.
• September Art Month: Rochester DDA and 20+ restaurants host Taste of Fall through Oct. 19. Magical Mural tours, 14 murals by local artists throughout downtown Rochester, through Sept. 30, downtownrochestermi.com/magical-mural-tour.
• Art in the Park: Plein Air Painting workshop 4:30-7 p.m. Oct. 1 at The Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen Farm, Rochester Hills. Participants encouraged to come dressed for a mess, meet at the Calf Barn, 950 Romeo Road. Advance tickets only, $15 members, $20 nonmembers, register at pccart.org/events/events-calendar. For adults, but ages 14+ may participate when accompanied by an adult.
• Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center: Open to in-person viewing for fall exhibitions and online, through Oct. 8. Photographs by Sue Marx, Birmingham Society of Women Painters “Flying Colors,” Madelaine Corbin “MASS + MEASURE” and works by students of Timothy Widener, The Birmingham Bloomfield Art Center, 1516 S. Cranbrook Road, Birmingham, BBArtCcenter.org/exhibitions, free.
• Park West Gallery: Fall sale, Works Celebrating the Beauty of Music, ParkWestGallery.com.
• Detroit Institute of Arts: Open with timed tickets at dia.org/reopening.
• School Field Trip from Home: Paper Conservation Lab, featuring Chris Foster, the Detroit Institute of Arts’ conservator of art on paper and photographs, giving a glimpse of the museum’s paper conservation lab and what is done to examine and treat works on paper and photographs in the DIA’s collection, youtu.be/g8kpzCC7jT8.
• “Trusting the Journey”: abstract art exhibit by painter Sam Kthar through Oct. 30, Farmington Hills City Hall, 31555 W. 11 Mile Road, Farmington Hills, masks required, fhgov.com.
• Wimee’s Words Live: 1 p.m. Sept. 26, Wimee the robot inspires kids to learn with creativity. EInteractive songs, wordplay and more inspired by exhibitions and works at the Detroit Institute of Arts, live on DIA Facebook page or YouTube channel, dia.org/events/tatm-presents-let-me-tell-you-story, free.
• 8th Annual “Ofrendas: Celebrating el Día de Muertos”: Sept. 26-Nov. 8, The Detroit Institute of Arts, features offerings created by local artists in celebration of Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead), honoring the life and memory of lost loved ones. Share a photo on Facebook at facebook.com/DetroitInstituteofArts/posts/10157542891295983 using the hashtag #DIAOfrendas2020 by including the names of lost loved ones and the years they lived. Timed admission tickets to the DIA reserved at dia.org/ofrendas2020 or 313-833-4005.
• “Voting Matters” exhibition: Sept. 27-April 4, 315 E. Warren Ave. Detroit, interactive in-person multimedia exhibition illustrates the work of African-Americans from pre-Reconstruction through the present day, of what it means to have the “right to vote” in democratic societies around the world, thewright.org/exhibitions/voting-matters.
• The Insiders-Tom Petty Tribute Band: 7:30-10:30 p.m. Sept. 25, tent in the parking lot at Otus Supply, 345 E. Nine Mile Road, Ferndale, otussupply.com.
• Your Generation: Sept. 25, The Morrie, 260 N. Woodward Ave., Birmingham, facebook.com/The-Morrie-Birmingham.
• Michael J. Reed Trio: 7-10 p.m. Sept. 25, The Blue LLama Jazz Club, 314 S. Main St., Ann Arbor, also livestream, bluellamaclub.com.
• Lamb of God: livestream Sept. 25, new album and more, pre-show features band interviews and performances from Whitechapel, Bleed From Within beginning at 5 p.m., tickets $15 per show, watch.lamb-of-god.com.
• Harmonic Swell & The Bridge of Reverberation: Pop-up concert, 7-8:30 p.m. Sept. 25, outdoors and socially distanced, Berkley between Clark’s Ice Cream at 3312 12 Mile Road and Odd Fellows Antiques, DowntownBerkley.com.
• Tom Paxton & The DonJuans: 8 p.m. Sept. 26, The Ark of Ann Arbor, theark.org, $15.
• Two Taylors: 4-8 p.m. Sept. 26, perform on the patio, Brownie’s on the Lake, 24214 Jefferson Ave., St. Clair Shores, browniesonthelake.com.
• Shuai Wang, piano: 8 p.m. Oct. 1, Oakland University, livestreaming from Oakland University, oakland.edu/smtd.
• LiveNation Live From Home: Concerts include Miley Cyrus, Melissa Etheridge, Kidz Bop at livenation.com/livefromhome, #Togetherapart.
• “Rewind”: The Gilbert Jackson Chorale of Waterford Twp. recorded concerts at jacksonchorale.org/past-performances. For info or requests, email gilbertjacksonchorale@gmail.com.
• Call for Pontiac performers: Through grant funding, performing artists who are residents of Pontiac (musicians, singers, dancers and stage performers) invited to The PLAT-Pontiac’s Little Art Theatre, to perform for a recording to be viewed on the website. Participants receive $50, theplat.org/ppa.
• DSO Digital Series: Islands on Stage 7:30 p.m. Sept. 25, Slatkin Sernades 7:30 p.m. Oct. 1, Detroit Symphony Orchestra, dso.org, pricing varies.
• DSO Yoga + Live Music: 9 a.m. Sept. 26, Sosnick Courtyard, Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Music Center, 3711 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, dso.org.
• Detroit Symphony Orchestra: Recordings of previous concerts on DSO Replay at dso.org/replay.
• “Mambo Encore”: Michigan Philharmonic of Plymouth, youtu.be/QzaXKlVyij4, michiganphil.org.
• TEDxDetroit: Ideas worth spreading, Sept. 30, virtual for the first time, free. Al Jean, a Farmington Hills native and showrunner of “The Simpsons,” plus talks from some of the past 11 years with updates, live Q&As. Register at TEDxDetroit.com.
• Canterbury Drive-In Movies Powered by Emagine: Lake Orion Dragons vs. The Oak Park Knights, simulcast, Sept. 25, $20 per car, gates at 6 p.m., game at 7 p.m. “Sing” 6 p.m. Sept. 27. “Scarface” 9 p.m. Sept. 27. No coolers or outside food/drinks, tickets at BigTickets.com, facebook.com/canterburyvillagelakeorion, $20 per vehicle, 2359 Joslyn Ct., Lake Orion.
• Emagine Novi: “Men In Black” (PG-13) Sept. 25, portion of proceeds benefit Sista Strut; “Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King” (PG-13) Sept. 26. “Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban” (PG) Sept. 27, south side parking lot of Twelve Mile Crossing at Fountain Walk, 44425 W. 12 Mile Road, Novi. COVID-19 precautions, concession delivery to car, no outside food or beverages allowed, emagine-entertainment.com, $30 per vehicle with no more than six people. RVs and limousines excluded. Pre-show activities, contests, concessions, happy hour specials start at 6:30 p.m., movies start at 8:15 p.m.
• “Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle”: 7:30 p.m. Oct. 8 at Michigan Lottery Amphitheatre at Freedom Hill in Sterling Heights, gates at 6 p.m. fundraiser to benefit Community Housing Network and Furniture Bank of Southeastern Michigan. Refreshments available for purchase. Tickets $60 per vehicle in advance at communityhousingnetwork.org or 248-824-7313.
• MJR Digital Cinemas: Concession pickup and delivery through DoorDash mobile app at select locations including MJR Southgate Cinema 20, MJR Waterford Cinema 16, MJR Chesterfield Cinema 16, and MJR Troy Grand Cinema 16, mjrtheatres.com.
• DIA At Home: Family art projects Neighborhood Collage and Art-Making-Stabiles, freestanding geometric sculptures. Access the Detroit Institute of Arts online to view collections and online resources for children and adults, dia.org/athome, dia.org/education/resources, dia.org/videos.
• Pure Michigan virtual tours: Live cams at beaches and exhibits through #VirtualPureMichigan campaign, on Pure Michigan’s Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels, facebook.com/puremichigan.
• Michigan History for Kids: For third- and fourth-graders, exploring history and heritage of all Michigan peoples, michigankids.org/home.
• CreativeBug: Joann Fabrics & Crafts offers two months free website subscription with access to thousands of online arts and crafts courses, creativebug.com.
• Libraries: Limited hours while closed, curbside and online services, including e-books, mel.org/welcome.
• 11th Annual Boo Fest: 4-8 p.m. Oct. 1-31, Green Oak Village Place, 9608 Village Pl Blvd, Brighton, 810-225-0337, shopsatgreenoak.com, free admission.
• German Oktoberfest: Through Oct. 4, Brown Iron Brewhouse, 57695 Van Dyke, Washington Twp., and 30955 Woodward Ave. Suite 510, Royal Oak, features German beers, German menu and staff dressed in lederhosen and dirndl, 586-697-3300, browniron.com.
• “The Rocky Horror Picture Show”: 7-11 p.m. Oct. 8-10, Beacon Park, 1901 Grand River Ave., Detroit, a troupe of actors dancing and miming in real-time in front of the original film, presented by the Detroit Actor’s Theatre Company and Downtown Detroit Partnership, show at 8 p.m., empoweringmichigan.com/beacon-park, 313-556-8250, free. COVID precautions, bring blankets or chairs, alcohol sold by Lumen Detroit.
• “Space Dogs”: Through Oct. 1, DFT @ Home, contains graphic violence, $12, Detroit Film Theatre, dia.org/events/dft-home-space-dogs.
• Emagine Virtual Cinema: Emagine and partners provide select films at home via TV, mobile devices or computer through Emagine Virtual Cinema. Bleeker Street and Magnolia Pictures $12 per movie, Distrib Films US $10 per movie and subscription-based Film Movement $12 per movie; emagine-entertainment.com/virtual-cinema.
• “Sicilia!”: DFT @ Home virtual tickets, through Oct. 1, Detroit Film Theatre, dia.org/visit/detroit-film-theatre, $12+.
• “Nomad-In the Footsteps of Bruce Chatwin”: DFT @ Home virtual tickets, through Oct. 1, $9.99+
• “Night of Hope” fundraiser: 7-8:30 p.m. Sept. 26 virtual event features local musicians Jill Jack and Bob Mervak, performers and speakers from around the world, silent/live auction to benefit The Bonnell Foundation for people with cystic fibrosis. Tickets at thebonnellfoundation.org/event/night-of-hope-celebration.
• “Runner”: documentary about Olympic athlete Guor Marial, virtual cinema 7 p.m. Sept. 27, part of Freedom House Detroit “Voices of Freedom” campaign. Trivia Night 8 p.m. Oct. 1; panel discussion of Flores Exhibits 7 p.m. Oct. 6; Flame Festival online, 7:30 p.m. Oct. 16. “Runner” documentary requires a paid ticket: bit.ly/fhd-vof-runnerinfo. Other events require pre-registration, pay what you can, bit.ly/fhdvof20.
• Women Rock: Science fundraiser and gala 7 p.m. Oct. 1,hosted virtually by Cranbrook Institute of Science, to support STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) education, includes 45-minute interactive video, event honorees and a dynamic science experiment demonstrated by educator at Cranbrook Institute of Science. Register at science.cranbrook.edu/women-rock-science, tickets are $100+.
• Trey Taylor “Live Concert Under the Stars”: 6-9:30 p.m. Oct. 2, at the MaryAnn Wright Animal Adoption and Education Center at 16121 Reckinger Road, Dearborn, benefit for Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit (FAMD), outdoor event with COVID precautions. Tickets limited to 30 guests, includes open bar, hors d’oeuvres and dinner from Fox2’s Chef Bobby’s team. Standard tickets $600, VIP Tickets $1,800, metrodetroitanimals.org/payments.
• Zoom Play Festival: 8 p.m. Oct. 7-11, Theatre Nova, Ann Arbor, presents series of 15 juried plays presented live on Zoom, available for streaming after. Three new short plays each night. Tickets $5 each night, or $20 for festival pass, starting with “Werewolves of London (Arkansas)” Oct. 7, theatrenova.org.
• Max Major “Remote Control”: 8 p.m. Oct. 2, live via Zoom, 313presents.com/events/detail/max-major, $45.
• Autonomous vehicle exhibit: The Michigan Science Center in partnership with Ford Motor Co., open Thursday-Sunday. Reserve tickets in advance, bit.ly/3jsZrwt, free, 313-577-8400, Mi-Sci.org.
• Royal Oak Historical Society Museum: Annual Cruisin’ Woodward Exhibit, at the Northwood Firestation, 1411 Webster Road, Royal Oak, donations accepted, royaloakhistoricalsociety.com.
• The Henry Ford: Museum of American Innovation and Greenfield Village has reopened, 20900 Oakwood Blvd., Dearborn. Ford Rouge Factory Tour and the Giant Screen Experience closed until further notice, thehenryford.org.
• Capturing a Culture Change-Motown Through The Lens of Jim Hendin: Motown Museum open to small groups, masks required. Online tickets, motownmuseum.org/visit/hours-admissions. Guests will be greeted by associate outside. New hours 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Wednesday through Sunday.
• Ford House grounds and gardens: Historic estate of Edsel and Eleanor Ford in Grosse Pointe Shores, open with timed entry, social distancing and masks. Register in advance, fordhouse.org, $5 each. Ford House, historical buildings, visitor center and museum store closed. Ford House mobile app available at fordhouse.org and App Store.
• Cranbrook Institute of Science: Open to the public, visitors required to register online in advance, limited capacity. Option to view museum collections and videos at science.cranbrook.edu. Cranbrook House & Gardens open 7 a.m.-7 p.m. daily. Grounds open for free this year. Acheson Planetarium, Cranbrook House, Conservatory Greenhouse remain closed, housegardens.cranbrook.edu.
• “Working-A Musical”: Sept. 25-27, Oct. 2-4, Ridgedale Players and Stagecrafters live outdoors at Ridgedale Players, 205 W. Long Lake Road, Troy. Bring chair or blanket, adv. tickets $15 at Stagecrafters.org, 248-988-7049.
• Specialty Act One Youth Theatre: Farmington Hills Youth Theatre online workshop classes begin Oct. 12 and 13 and last for 3-6 weeks: Scriptwriting (grades 9-12); Sketch Comedy (grades 9-12); Theatre Choreography (grades K-4 and 5-12); Singing in Character (grades 7-12); Mastering the Monologue (grades 5-8) and Puppet Theatre (grades K-4). Register at tinyurl.com/FarmingtonHillsACTONE, 248-473-1856.
• Acting Out Kids Community Theatre: online classes Intro To Acting and Improv class (ages 7-14), Session 1, Sept. 16-Oct. 7 and Session 2 is Oct. 21-Nov. 11, 4:30-5:15 p.m. Wednesdays, $45 per child for each session, online class through Zoom, space is limited; registration required, email to actingoutkids@yahoo.com. Also Creative Writing class (ages 11-18) is offered 5:30-6:30 p.m., aokcommunitytheatre.wordpress.com.
Submit events online at bit.ly/1iUM73e
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