Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu on Tuesday tested positive for Covid-19 and has gone in home quarantine. The vice president is asymptomatic and in good health, the VP’s official Twitter account said.
Naidu’s wife, Usha, has tested negative and is in self-isolation. Naidu underwent a Covid-19 test on Tuesday morning and was found to be infected.
“The Vice President of India who underwent a routine Covid-19 test today morning has been tested positive. He is however, asymptomatic and in good health. He has been advised home quarantine. His wife Smt. Usha Naidu has been tested negative and is in self-isolation,” the VP Secretariat tweeted.
Naidu, who is also the chairperson of the Rajya Sabha, was actively involved during the monsoon session of Parliament which was later cut short due to the prevailing Covid-19 situation in the country.
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