Home Latest Sports Authority of India asks its coaches to take fitness tests twice a year

Sports Authority of India asks its coaches to take fitness tests twice a year

Sports Authority of India asks its coaches to take fitness tests twice a year


Stressing on the importance of staying fit, the Sports Authority of India (SAI) has instructed all its employed coaches to undertake fitness tests twice a year.

The SAI has also asked the coaches to maintain records of the tests in their personal files.

“The fitness tests would be set on the guidelines of Age Appropriate Fitness Protocol that was launched by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 24th September 2020, during the Fit India Dialogue, and are the first-ever set of age appropriate fitness tests that have been launched in India,” the SAI said in a statement.

As part of the fitness protocol, all coaches will have to clear Body Composition Test (BMI), Balance Test – Flamingo Balance & Vrikshasana (Tree Pose), Muscular Strength Test – Abdominal/Core Strength (Partial Curl-up) and Naukasana (Boat Pose), Muscular Endurance Test (Push-Ups for Boys/Men, Modified Push-Ups for Girls/ Women and Sit-ups for both), Flexibility Test – V Sit Reach Test and Aerobic/Cardio-vascular fitness test – 2.4 Km Walk/Run.

“Sports Authority of India is primarily responsible for the training of athletes through expert coaches. Fitness of coaches is one of the essential ingredients for them to impart fruitful training on the field.

“Coaches need to maintain a certain level of fitness so as to show the path of progress to the athletes. Therefore, coaches have been advised to undertake the physical fitness assessment as per the protocol twice a year,” the SAI statement stated.

These fitness tests have been drafted by a committee of experts, who, after a detailed discussion and review, finalised the fitness protocols for each age group.


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