Home Latest Flu and dengue cases on the rise amidst COVID-19: Sure shot ways to keep yourself safe from dengue, malaria and chikungunya | The Times of India

Flu and dengue cases on the rise amidst COVID-19: Sure shot ways to keep yourself safe from dengue, malaria and chikungunya | The Times of India

Flu and dengue cases on the rise amidst COVID-19: Sure shot ways to keep yourself safe from dengue, malaria and chikungunya  | The Times of India


It’s important to remember that dengue, malaria and chikungunya are preventable diseases which can be managed by following simple measures. At a time when we cannot forego COVID measures, keeping some basic measures in mind will help minimize chances of infection:

-When you step out, wear clothes which offer maximum coverage

-Try and apply mosquito repellent creams or lotions to exposed body parts

-Carry and use extra masks when you go out to prevent infection risks.

-While you keep indoor areas ventilated, make sure you do not allow mosquitoes to breed. Make use of sprays, nets or insecticides to prevent entry.

-Avoid water stagnation and food decay

-Keep a check over the development of your symptoms, and take rightful action.

-Remember to get tested to rule out possible infections


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