Apple has announced its second virtual event of the season, which will be held on October 18 at 10:00am PDT (10:30pm in India). The company has released a teaser showing an Apple logo formed of beams of light against a black backdrop with the word “Unleashed”, seemingly like the effect often used to show spaceships traveling at great speed. This could be a reference to the rumoured Apple M1X processor, which might be at the heart of new MacBook Pro and Mac Mini models, which are expected to be announced. Apple has not officially suggested or confirmed anything that might be announced at the event.
The virtual ‘Unleashed’ event will be broadcast from Apple Park. Rumours and leaks point to the debut of new M1X-based 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro models with better connectivity, MagSafe charging, and no Touch Bar. In addition, Apple could unveil a completely redesigned Mac mini. Finally, the event could also be where Apple launches new third-generation AirPods, designed like the current AirPods Pro but targeted at a lower price point. The new AirPods 3 were earlier expected to be announced at last month’s iPhone 13 series launch event. These products are expected to go on sale shortly after the event, in time for the US holiday shopping season.
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