Home Latest Top 10 world news: Poland accuses EU of blackmail, Bangladesh arrests 450 over Durga puja violence & more

Top 10 world news: Poland accuses EU of blackmail, Bangladesh arrests 450 over Durga puja violence & more

Top 10 world news: Poland accuses EU of blackmail, Bangladesh arrests 450 over Durga puja violence & more


Following the horrific violence that took place during Durga Puja in Bangladesh, the country’s police have arrested 450 people for attacking Hindus, in a communal incident that involved alleged blasphemous behaviour towards the Islamic holy book of Quran. Meanwhile, the Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki has accused European Union of “blackmail”. This comes amid a spat involving the country and the EU, over Poland’s rejection of parts of the Union’s law. In other news, China has come up with another bizarre law that would punish guardians/parents for the behaviour of children under their care.

Click on headlines to read more

Bangladesh violence: Police arrests hundreds for violence against Hindus

Bangladesh police arrests 450 people for attacking Hindus in one of the worst episodes of communal unrest in over a decade.

Pak claims India’s submarine entered its waters; Indian sources call it fake

Pakistan’s ISPR claims that last Saturday, it detected an Indian naval submarine and blocked it from entering the country’s waters. However, Indian sources have dismissed it as usual Pakistan propaganda.  

EU-Poland spat: Polish PM accuses EU of ‘blackmail’

During a public clash with EU chief Ursula von der Leyen, over Poland’s rejection of parts of EU law, Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki accused the EU of “blackmail”.  

Man charged after allegedly raping woman on Philadelphia train

In response to reports that a man raped a woman on a train in Philadelphia as commuters failed to intervene, the Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority (SEPTA) said it was a “horrendous criminal act” which could have been stopped “if a rider called 911”.

London school adds ‘white privilege’ course, will discuss Meghan Markle, James Bond

In an apparent move to sensitise students about a social issue that creates tension in western societies, a London school has introduced a module on ‘white privilege’ to the classroom curriculum.

North Korea missile launch: US issues warning, China calls for restraint

Several countries in the region and the United States reacted harshly to North Korea’s missile launch on Tuesday (October 19). Condemning North Korea, the UN called on it to “refrain from any further destabilizing acts.”

No excessive make-up, restricted dressing: Saudi Arabia’s dress code for Formula 1 sparks controversy

Saudi Arabia’s first-ever Formula One event will be held on December 5 at the Jeddah Street Circuit. In preparation for the mega event, Saudi Arabia has released a set of strict rules and a controversial dress code that includes guidelines that say women cannot wear clothes that rest above their knee and advise them to ensure their shoulder and legs above the knee are not visible.

China tested nurses during simulated night landing exercise: Report

In the midst of tensions with Taiwan, the People’s Liberation Army reportedly trained 300 nurses for a military exercise intended to take an island. The exercise was part of a nighttime combat drill at sea with nurses as part of the medical rescue plan.

Africa: The continent with low emissions and high suffering, risks losing rare glaciers to global warming

A new report warns that climate change will cause many of Africa’s rare glaciers to disappear within the next two decades. This comes amid sweeping predictions of extreme suffering for the continent that contributes least to global warming, yet suffers the most.

China drafts law to punish parents for children’s bad behaviour

The Chinese parliament will consider legislation to punish parents whose child exhibits “very bad behaviour” or commits a crime. The draft of the family education promotion law states that guardians will be punished if prosecutors find children under their care to be guilty of very bad or criminal behaviour.


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