Home Entertainment horoscope 11 03

horoscope 11 03

horoscope 11 03


ARIES (March 21-April 19)

HHH Things are blowing hot and cold with your relationships today. They start pleasant, then suddenly you’re at odds trying to prove a point. 

HHH Travel discussions this morning will be fruitful. You might bump heads with someone about a controversial issue. Easy does it. 

HHHH It’s a great day for a power breakfast. You are upbeat and cosmopolitan — a citizen of the world. Attend to unfinished business.

HHHH This is a playful, fun-loving time for you. Family discussions are upbeat this morning — until they aren’t. Don’t be pushy. Tidy up at home.

HHH You’re keen to talk to others because you’re full of great ideas this morning. You’re enthusiastic about something that excites you. 

HHH Financial matters are encouraging early this morning. However, you might argue with someone about money or possessions. 

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HHHH Get up early today and get cracking, because things will likely go your way. Get as much done as possible. Check your finances.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

HHHH You feel pleased about something this morning. Use this energy to complete unfinished tasks. Don’t get carried away trying to prove a point.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

HHHH Fun with a friend (or a group) early this morning will be a turn-on for you. Possibly, your enthusiasm will bubble over into a disagreement.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

HHHH You are confident early in the morning and capable of impressing bosses. However, you might suddenly be at odds with someone. 

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

HHHH Big plans about the future are exciting in the early morning. You’re pumped! (Steer clear of controversial subjects and arguments.) 

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20)

HHH Financial matters look encouraging early this morning. You’re happy with your fair share of something. Don’t get bogged down in an argument.

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