Home Latest Despite focus, 40% of 60+ yet to take 2nd jab

Despite focus, 40% of 60+ yet to take 2nd jab

Despite focus, 40% of 60+ yet to take 2nd jab


Senior citizens were given priority in administering the Covid-19 vaccine when the national vaccination programme was launched on January 16, but at least 40 per cent of those 11,04,55,016 elders above 60 years who were given the first shot are yet to take the second one.

Data show that only 6,78,27,591 people in this age group have been administered both doses.

This has left the Union Health Ministry in a tizzy as the SARS-CoV2 infection is particularly damaging to people over 60 years of age. And in the case of the third wave, this half-vaccinated group will be more vulnerable.

A senior official from the Ministry said that the “Har Ghar Dastak” drive launched recently will focus on senior citizens too, convincing them to complete the dose process and make themselves safe from the infection.

India’s overall Covid-19 vaccination coverage has exceeded 108 crore as per the provisional report. A total of 20,75,942 vaccine doses have been administered in the last 24 hours, said the Ministry.

In a tweet, the Health Ministry said, “India marches ahead with another achievement in its fight against Covid 19. Total 108 crore Covid vaccine doses administered”.

The Healthcare workers have got a total of 1,03,79,530 first dose vaccines and 92,56,225 as the second dose. The front line workers have been administered a total of 1,83,72,402 vaccines as the first dose and 1,60,12,003 as the

second dose.

Among the age group of 18-44 years, total 42,33,49,812 shots of first dose and 14,89,38,412 of second dose have been administered so far, as per the Health Ministry report.

A total of 17,60,88,375 vaccines as the first dose and 9,85,40,180 vaccines as the second dose have been administered to the age group of 45-59, till now, said the Health Ministry on Saturday morning.

Around 15.69 crore balance and unutilised Covid vaccine doses are still available with the States and Union Territories (UTs) to be administered, as per the data shared by the Union Health Ministry.

Over 116.54 crore vaccine doses have been provided to the States and UTs through the Government of India free of cost channel and direct State procurement category, said the Ministry.


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