An FIR was registered towards three girls in Madhya Pradesh for assaulting a 25-year-old girl, the video of which went viral on social media. The incident reportedly passed off late on November 4 in entrance of an eatery at LIG intersection within the Indore city.
Trigger Warning: The following video comprises materials that could be disturbing for some viewers. Viewer discretion is suggested.
According to information company PTI, the sufferer, recognized as Priya Verma – an worker of a pesticide store, was thrashed by the ladies aged between 18 to 22 years. The video exhibits the sufferer being held to the bottom, kicked and slapped, hit with belts by the ladies as others watched and recorded the act. While the viral video exhibits 4 girls attacking the sufferer, the FIR has to date named solely three of them.
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An announcement on this regard was shared on the official account of the commissioner of police, Indore, on Twitter. Sharing a clip of the incident, it stated, “Strict action has been ensured by the police in the case of some girls brutally assaulting another girl in MIG police station area.The said girls used to live together who had a fight due to mutual transactions.”
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“Taking cognizance of this matter, I.A. of “attempt to kill”. The advance legal action is being taken by arresting everyone immediately after taking action under section 307 of V.V,” the tweet additional learn.
MIG police station in-charge Ajay Verma stated a sudden altercation broke out between the ladies and the realm the place industrial institutions are allowed to function 24/7 hours by the native administration.
An FIR below sections 294 (obscene act), 323 (voluntarily inflicting damage), 506 (intimidation) and different related provisions of the Indian Penal Code has been registered towards the accused, the official added.
(With company inputs)
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