Home Latest A take a look at the impression of delivering assist to Turkey and Syria by Dubai’s international hub

A take a look at the impression of delivering assist to Turkey and Syria by Dubai’s international hub

A take a look at the impression of delivering assist to Turkey and Syria by Dubai’s international hub


The World Health Organization’s logistics hub in Dubai’s International Humanitarian City accommodates packing containers of pressing medical provides and medication for dispatch to nations around the globe, comparable to Yemen, Nigeria, Haiti and Uganda. Planeloads of medical provides from these warehouses are being despatched to assist with earthquake reduction efforts in Syria and Turkey.

Aya Batrawy/NPR

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Aya Batrawy/NPR

The World Health Organization’s logistics hub in Dubai’s International Humanitarian City accommodates packing containers of pressing medical provides and medication for dispatch to nations around the globe, comparable to Yemen, Nigeria, Haiti and Uganda. Planeloads of medical provides from these warehouses are being despatched to assist with earthquake reduction efforts in Syria and Turkey.

Aya Batrawy/NPR

DUBAI — In a dusty, industrial nook of Dubai, removed from the town’s gleaming skyscrapers and marbled buildings, packing containers of child-sized physique luggage are stacked in an enormous warehouse. They might be shipped to Syria and Turkey for earthquake victims.

Like different assist companies, the World Health Organization is struggling to succeed in folks in want. But from its international logistics hub in Dubai, the U.N. company tasked with worldwide public well being has already loaded two planes with essential medical provides, sufficient to assist some 70,000 folks. One airplane is destined for Turkey and the opposite for Syria.

The group has different hubs around the globe, however its facility in Dubai, with 20 warehouses, is its largest by far. From right here, the group is sending planeloads of medication, infusions for intravenous drips and anesthesia, surgical devices, splints and stretchers, to assist with crushing-type accidents from the earthquake.

Color-coded labels assist determine which kits are for malaria, cholera, Ebola and polio for nations in want around the globe. Green labels are reserved for emergency well being kits — these for Istanbul and Damascus.

“The ones that we used in response to the earthquake are primarily trauma and emergency surgery kits,” says Robert Blanchard, the crew lead in Dubai for the WHO’s emergency operations.

Supplies are saved inside one of many 20 warehouses belonging to the World Health Organization’s international logistics hub in Dubai’s International Humanitarian City.

Aya Batrawy/NPR

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Aya Batrawy/NPR

Supplies are saved inside one of many 20 warehouses belonging to the World Health Organization’s international logistics hub in Dubai’s International Humanitarian City.

Aya Batrawy/NPR

The kits may be delivered straight to a well being care heart to right away start treating sufferers.

“Each kit is designed for 50 surgical interventions,” he says.

Blanchard is a former firefighter from California who labored within the Foreign Service and U.S. Agency for International Development earlier than becoming a member of the WHO in Dubai. He says the group is dealing with immense logistical challenges reaching victims of the earthquake, however their Dubai warehouses assist ship assist quickly to nations in want.

Robert Blanchard, the World Health Organization’s crew chief in Dubai for emergency operations, stands in one of many group’s warehouses in International Humanitarian City.

Aya Batrawy/NPR

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Aya Batrawy/NPR

Robert Blanchard, the World Health Organization’s crew chief in Dubai for emergency operations, stands in one of many group’s warehouses in International Humanitarian City.

Aya Batrawy/NPR

International assist employees battle to succeed in folks affected by the quake

Aid has begun flowing into Turkey and Syria from around the globe, however organizations are struggling to succeed in probably the most weak. Rescue groups are racing to succeed in survivors in frigid temperatures, even because the hope of discovering folks alive is diminishing with each hour.

The U.N. is making an attempt to get into the rebel-held northwestern a part of Syria by a humanitarian hall. Some 4 million internally displaced folks there have little heavy equipment of the type that could be present in different elements of Turkey and Syria, and hospitals are poorly geared up, broken, or each. Volunteers are digging by rubble with their naked fingers.

Blanchard describes the state of affairs as “very uncertain.”

“The weather conditions are now not looking so great. So it just depends on the condition of the roads, the availability of the trucks and then the permission to cross the border and deliver the humanitarian aid,” he says.

For government-controlled elements of northern Syria, assist teams are largely sending help to the capital, Damascus. From there, the federal government is dealing with reduction efforts into hard-hit cities like Aleppo and Lattaki. In Turkey, poor roads and aftershocks have difficult reduction efforts.

The WHO’s personal employees within the southern Turkish metropolis of Gaziantep are struggling amid the destruction.

They’re not able to go home because their homes have not been cleared by an engineer as being structurally sound,” Blanchard says. “They’re literally sleeping and living in the office and trying to do work at the same time.”

Dubai is a world assist logistics hub

The WHO’s warehouses are a part of a 1.5 million square-ft. zone of Dubai referred to as International Humanitarian City, the biggest humanitarian hub on this planet. The zone can also be dwelling to warehouses for the U.N. refugee company, World Food Program, Red Cross and Red Crescent organizations, UNICEF and others.

The authorities of Dubai covers the price of storage services, utilities and flights carrying reduction objects into affected areas. The stock is procured by the companies themselves.

“The goal is to be ready in case of emergency,” says Giuseppe Saba, the chief government of International Humanitarian City.

A forklift driver hundreds healthcare supplies to be despatched to Ukraine on the UNHCR warehouses, a part of the International Humanitarian City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in March 2022.

Kamran Jebreili/AP

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Kamran Jebreili/AP

A forklift driver hundreds healthcare supplies to be despatched to Ukraine on the UNHCR warehouses, a part of the International Humanitarian City in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, in March 2022.

Kamran Jebreili/AP

Saba says $150 million value of emergency inventory and help is dispatched yearly to between 120 and 150 nations. That contains private protecting gear, tents, meals and different essential objects wanted in local weather disasters, medical emergencies and international outbreaks, just like the COVID-19 pandemic.

Aid from this location is distributed to nations comparable to Yemen, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Uganda and Haiti.

“The reason we are doing quite a lot and the reason why this hub became the largest one in the world is exactly because of its strategic position,” Saba says. “From Dubai, in a few hours’ flight, you can serve two-thirds of the world’s population living in Southeast Asia, Middle East and Africa.”

Blanchard describes the help as “truly vital.” The hope now could be that provides will attain folks inside 72 hours of the earthquake placing.

“We would like it to go faster,” he says, “but these were such large shipments. We needed a full day to build them out and prepare them.”

Due to an issue with the airplane’s engine, WHO provides for Damascus had been nonetheless grounded in Dubai as of Wednesday night. Blanchard says the group is making an attempt for direct flights to Syria’s government-controlled airport in Aleppo, a state of affairs he describes as “evolving by the hour.”

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