Home FEATURED NEWS Photos: India celebrates Holi, the pageant of colors | Religion News

Photos: India celebrates Holi, the pageant of colors | Religion News



Millions of Indians are celebrating the Holi festival, dancing to the beat of drums, smearing one another with inexperienced, yellow and pink colors and exchanging sweets in houses, parks and streets.

Free from carrying masks and different COVID-19 restrictions after two years, they drenched one another with colored water on Wednesday.

“Wishing you all a happy and colourful Holi!” tweeted Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Bollywood and different celebrities organised bashes for associates and posted pictures on social media.

“People who work hard, play hard,” mentioned Ravi Sharma, a pharmacy proprietor.

One of the most well-liked Hindu festivals, Holi, which additionally marks the start of spring, celebrates the divine love of Hindu god Krishna along with his consort Radha.

On Tuesday evening, folks made bonfires with logs of wooden in open areas to commemorate the triumph of fine over evil – Hindu god Vishnu killing a demon, Hiranyakashipu.

Holi traditions differ throughout India. In two northern cities, a whole lot of ladies celebrated final week by playfully hitting males with wood sticks in response to their teasing as a part of a ritual.

Drinking is a part of the celebrations. New Delhi reported report liquor gross sales on Monday, a whopping 2.6 million bottles bought on a single day, in contrast with a mean of 1.1 million bottles, in accordance with The Times of India newspaper.

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