Home Latest Latest in Ukraine: Expectation is rising for China’s Xi Jinping to go to Russia

Latest in Ukraine: Expectation is rising for China’s Xi Jinping to go to Russia

Latest in Ukraine: Expectation is rising for China’s Xi Jinping to go to Russia


Ukrainian navy personnel obtain coaching on German-made Leopard 2 battle tanks at a Spanish military coaching middle in Zaragoza, Spain, on Monday.

Oscar del Pozo/AFP by way of Getty Images

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Oscar del Pozo/AFP by way of Getty Images

Ukrainian navy personnel obtain coaching on German-made Leopard 2 battle tanks at a Spanish military coaching middle in Zaragoza, Spain, on Monday.

Oscar del Pozo/AFP by way of Getty Images

Here’s a glance forward and a roundup of key developments from the previous week.

What to look at

Observers await plans for Chinese chief Xi Jinping to go to Moscow and meet his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. There are experiences Xi might additionally hold talks with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

This week marks 9 years because the disputed Crimea referendum and Russian annexation of the peninsula from Ukraine. Many nations condemned the vote and refuse to acknowledge Crimea’s accession to Russia.

The United Nations-brokered deal to export Ukrainian grain safely from Black Sea ports might expire this weekend, with Russia threatening to drag out over complaints the settlement has didn’t release Russian agricultural exports.

What occurred final week

Russian forces took maintain of the jap half of Bakhmut, with Wagner Group mercenary fighters main the cost, after months of preventing for management of the town in Ukraine’s east, according to analysts.

Russia launched its greatest missile strike throughout Ukraine of 2023 thus far, security analysts mentioned. The barrage included hypersonic missiles and killed at least six people and briefly knocked out energy at the Zaporizhzhia nuclear energy plant.

Ukraine batted away accusations it blew up the Nord Stream oil pipelines, after experiences in The New York Times and German media mentioned a “pro-Ukrainian group” attacked the infrastructure in September.

U.N. Secretary-General António Guterres went to Kyiv, the newest outstanding world determine to go to Ukraine in latest months.

Navalny gained an Oscar for finest documentary characteristic, shining a highlight on jailed Russian opposition chief Alexei Navalny. In his acceptance speech, on stage with Navalny’s household, director Daniel Roher blasted the Kremlin and mentioned Navalny “remains in solitary confinement for what he calls ‘Vladimir Putin’s unjust war of aggression in Ukraine.’ “

The mom of mercenary boss Yevgeny Prigozhin gained a authorized problem in opposition to European sanctions. A European Union court ruled that restrictive measures utilized to Violetta Prigozhina in February ought to be annulled as a result of her household relationship with Prigozhin — a Kremlin ally whose Wagner Group is preventing in Ukraine — wasn’t sufficient to justify the sanctions.

Ukrainian troops have been studying to make use of Leopard 2 tanks in Spain, whose authorities has mentioned six of its fleet of the German-made battle tanks are in repairs before delivery to Ukraine someday within the coming weeks.


Ukraine’s top nuclear plant lost power for the sixth time. Is catastrophe imminent?

Yevgeny Prigozhin, “Putin’s Chef,” has emerged from the shadows with his Wagner Group.

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The problem of getting accurate news into Russia.

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Is Russia attempting to destabilize Ukraine’s neighbor, Moldova?

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Special report

Russia’s battle in Ukraine is altering the world: See our updated report on its ripple effects in all corners of the globe.

Earlier developments

You can learn past recaps here. For context and extra in-depth tales, you’ll find extra of NPR’s coverage here. Also, hear and subscribe to NPR’s State of Ukraine podcast for updates all through the day.

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