Home Latest Earthquake in Ecuador kills at the least 1, causes extensive injury

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at the least 1, causes extensive injury

Earthquake in Ecuador kills at the least 1, causes extensive injury


QUITO, Ecuador (AP) — A powerful earthquake shook the area round Ecuador’s second-largest metropolis on Saturday, killing at the least one individual, damaging properties and buildings, and sending panicked residents into the streets.

The U.S. Geological Survey reported an earthquake with a magnitude of 6.8 within the nation’s coastal Guayas area. It was centered about 50 miles (80 kilometers) south of Guayaquil, which anchors a metro space of over 3 million folks.

The South American nation’s emergency response company, the Risk Management Secretariat, reported one individual died within the Andean neighborhood of Cuenca. The sufferer was a passenger in a car trapped underneath the rubble of a home.

In Guayaquil, about 170 miles (270 kilometers) southwest of the capital, Quito, authorities reported cracks on buildings and houses, in addition to some collapsed partitions. Authorities ordered the closure of three vehicular tunnels.

Videos shared on social media present folks gathered on the streets of Guayaquil and close by communities. People reported objects falling inside their properties.

A pier sank within the metropolis of Machala. The earthquake was additionally felt in northern Peru.

The Canadian Press. All rights reserved.

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