Home Health Summer’s energy is building — How about yours?

Summer’s energy is building — How about yours?

Summer’s energy is building — How about yours?


People ask me questions frequently regarding tips on how to increase or replenish their energy levels. The pace most of us keep these days is intense and often relentless. That is in and of itself a topic worthy of discussion but for today let me address energy.

The body is miraculous in every way. It functions on our behalf most all the time with very little help from us. Cells are constantly dying off and being replaced, in fact, with few exceptions, every cell in the body is made a new every year. That means we literally have a new body from the inside out every 365 days. This is nothing less than amazing, however, we are usually too busy to give this a moment’s notice. We clip along a break-neck pace and then wonder why we suddenly feel exhausted or worse become ill.

The body is constantly messaging us. Now, the question is whether we are listening to it or ignoring it. Many of us — conscious of it or not — are choosing to ignore it until well, can’t. Something takes us down.

OK, enough said. Here’s my best advice. First, listen to your body as much as possible, and I do mean listen. Pay attention to how you feel when you awaken each morning. Are you still tired? Does your body feel achy or stiff? Are you rested? Do you feel grateful for the miracle of another day on the planet? If you find yourself awakening tired that is a serious problem. Again, most of us ignore this but deep sleep and quality rest are paramount to optimal health.

There are critical functions the body takes care of while we are sleeping and Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep is very important to this. Not just in and out, light rest. If you are waking more than twice a night to use the bathroom your REM sleep is being seriously shortchanged. Muscle rebuilding and repair, crucial hormonal elimination, digestion and absorption of nutrients from your day’s meals and general toxin elimination to name a few, all require REM sleep. Not to mention the break we all need from the endless chatter that goes on in our minds. Sleep is huge so please don’t underestimate its incredible value. Do yourself an enormous favor and give the body an average of 8-9 hours’ sleep most every night.

Hydration is a ‘dear to my heart’ topic and another critical component to optimal energy and health. I love water in all forms and shapes. Water has always been my drink of choice, I love to swim, scuba dive, snorkel, water ski, go boating and just about any water activity known. Humans are supposed to be 70-75% water and we will die if we fall below 50% hydration.

In fact, dehydration is a common cause of death in the elderly. Water must be present in the process of metabolizing fat for fuel. Fat is virtually inaccessible with water being readily available. Hunger is often mistaken for thirst. The next time you find yourself experiencing hunger pangs between meals, drink a couple cups of water and notice how satisfying it can be. The rule of thumb is ½ oz. of water per pound of body weight. I weigh 160 pounds so I require a minimum of 80 oz of water a day. Water also makes a tremendous difference in the health of our skin, the quality of our sleep, proper digestion, and regular bowel movements. I could easily go on, but my point has been made and I don’t wish to bore you any further.

Regular exercise is something that many people have long forgotten as a key element to increased energy. This is how it works. The more muscle our bodies maintain, the higher our metabolism and calorie expenditure is each day. After age 40, we lose approximately one pound of muscle a year if we are not exercising regularly.

As our muscles wane, our metabolism drops and our energy levels drop with it. Resistance training is ideal for regaining and maintaining muscle in the body and two to three 30-minute sessions each week is adequate.

There are endless programs to try and mix into your routine that will build or sustain your muscle. Free weight routines have long been one of my favorites but the TRX Suspension has recently won my heart. Functional training using your own body weight is excellent or the standard stacked weight machines are all options. Classes that spend time utilizing free weights, kettle bells, your body weight and resistant tubing/bands are also great. The point is, make time for weight training each week and I promise your energy level will soar.

If you take into account the recommendations I have made, there is no doubt in my mind you will find your energy level rising, your sleep improving and your overall health improve.

There is never enough time in a day but please try not to burn the candle cutting your sleep hours. If you chose to drink water and do your resistance training, I am confident you will be as I am, a very healthy, happy and energetic person. Happy fitness to all.


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