Home Health White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?

White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?

White Rice, Brown Rice Or Red Rice: Which One is the Healthiest?


Would you not like some rice together with chicken curry? Instead, you accept tawa rotis or most likely attempt to pacify your style buds with only a few spoons of the standard staple. Why has consuming rice been such an issue for many who are attempting to shed weight or are on a strict calorie-restricting diet? Putting it throughout, in straight and far less complicated phrases – rice isn’t an enemy of the weight-related objectives that you’re making an attempt to attain – insufficient information about this meals merchandise is.

White rice

Let’s unravel what makes this conventional selection such an enormous matter of debate within the well being and health circle. White rice is the extremely refined model of uncooked rice, which is hulled and milled. What makes this selection a not-so-healthy one regardless of it being extensively consumed all through the world is the truth that processing and milling take away vital elements of the grain – bran and germ. Bran and germ are wealthy in dietary fibre in addition to vitamins which might be useful for human health.

According to a Delhi-based weight administration professional, Dr. Gargi Sharma, “If white rice undergoes a further process of polishing then its aleurone layer gets removed leading to loss of nutrients. This layer is rich in B vitamins, different vitamins and important fat.”
Also Read: Weight Loss: 7 Healthy Rice Alternatives You May Add To Your Diet


White rice is primarily starch. Due to processing, it falls brief on some important vitamins like thiamine, often known as B1 as effectively different B Vitamins. Consuming un-enriched white rice can result in a situation known as beriberi, which happens resulting from thiamine deficiency. White rice can also be handled with components that may – in sure instances – hurt the human physique and set off metabolic problems like diabetes, obesity and so forth.

According to Dr. Ritika Samaddar, Max Healthcare Saket, New Delhi, “The milling and polishing destroy 67% of the vitamin B3, 80% of the vitamin B1, 90% of the vitamin B6, half of the manganese, half of the phosphorus, 60% of the iron, all of the dietary fibre as well the essential fatty acids present in the raw variety.” As alarming as these details could seem, removing white rice utterly could also be a tricky alternative for most individuals. This is the place more healthy alternate options like colored rice step in.

Also Read: 17 Best Rice Recipes | 17 Top Rice Recipes | Easy Rice Recipes

The more healthy alternate options: Brown, pink and black

Both brown and pink rice have related dietary profiles together with the harvesting course of. These are both un-hulled or partially hulled kinds of rice, which suggests you get to chew on the bran and germ which might be recognized to have numerous useful properties. Brown rice is definitely obtainable throughout the globe whereas the pink one is particularly typical to the Himalayan Mountains, southern Tibet, Bhutan, in addition to southern India.
Also Read: 9 Health Benefits of Switching to Brown Rice

brown-rice-is healthier

According to Dr. Gargi Sharma, “Brown rice and red rice are quite similar when we talk about them on the nutritional front. Both are great sources of fibre, B vitamins, calcium, zinc and iron, manganese, selenium, magnesium and other nutrients. One thing that sets the red variety apart from its brown counterpart is it being enriched with antioxidants that can help fight damaging free radicals in our body.”

Why brown and pink rice?

The pink selection will get its wealthy color from an antioxidant known as anthocyanins, that are additionally present in deep purple or reddish vegetables and fruit. The compound is believed to have properties that may cut back irritation, and allergy, forestall dangers of most cancers and assist in weight administration. The manganese current in each varieties helps in strengthening metabolism, whereas magnesium helps in migraine, and lowers blood pressure in addition to the dangers of heart attacks. Along with calcium, magnesium helps in sustaining wholesome bones and tooth and prevents dangers of arthritis and osteoporosis. Selenium alternatively protects the physique in opposition to infections.
Also Read: Rice It Up! 4 Incredible Health Benefits Of Kanji Or Rice Water


Moreover, since they’re excessive in fibre content material, the digestion course of is sluggish, which results in a strengthened digestive system. Fibre additionally aids in slowing down the speed at which carbs are transformed into blood sugar; due to this fact fibrous meals are low on the glycemic load.

According to specialists, the 2 varieties are additionally extremely beneficial for diabetics – due to their low glycemic index – and coronary heart sufferers. These are thought of complete grains, which will help in lowering arterial plaque, forestall dangers of cardiovascular ailments, tame excessive ldl cholesterol and regulate blood sugar. According to current research, consuming one cup of brown rice every day can considerably minimize brief the dangers of growing diabetes by as much as 60%.
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We stumbled upon a number of research that talked a few sure part in brown rice that may trigger hurt to human well being – phytic acid. Dr. Gargi Sharma explains, “Phytic acid can hinder iron and calcium absorption. It can happen in cases where you consume brown rice along with food that are rich in calcium or iron. Only those on a high calcium or iron diet would need to be a little careful with the consumption of brown rice.”

The forbidden rice

Once often called meals served solely to the royals in historical China, the consumption of black rice was forbidden by the lots. The surge in meals developments revolving round more healthy choices like brown rice, quinoa or sunflower seeds has lastly given strategy to unravel this superfood. Shiny black grains of rice when cooked flip purple which not solely is a deal with to the eyes but additionally to the style buds.

This selection beats the dietary advantages of brown and pink rice mixed. Rich in fibre, it comes loaded with antioxidants, phytonutrients, phytochemicals, Vitamin E, protein, iron, and different vitamins. It is believed to be useful for the liver, kidneys and abdomen. It has a excessive content material of anthocyanins, which assist in stopping the dangers of most cancers. Its low sugar and glycemic content material makes it a particularly fascinating dietary possibility for coronary heart sufferers, diabetics in addition to these with hypertension.
Also Read: 7 Incredible Benefits of the ‘Forbidden Rice’- The Black Rice


“A spoonful of black rice bran contains more health-promoting anthocyanins antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar, more fibre, vitamins and antioxidants,” famous Zhimin Zu, affiliate professor, Louisiana and State University, America.

With over 40,000 totally different kinds of rice cultivated and consumed all throughout the globe, depriving your self of the easy pleasure of digging right into a bowl is unfair. A wholesome life-style is all about putting a steadiness between good meals and diet. Identifying what’s nutritious on your well being and giving it an fascinating, flavourful spin is the treatment.
Also Read: Give Rice A Healthy Twist With These 5 Nutritious Recipes

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