Home Health Love Kurkuri Bhindi? Here’s How You Can Make It An Air Fryer In Just 20 Mins

Love Kurkuri Bhindi? Here’s How You Can Make It An Air Fryer In Just 20 Mins

Love Kurkuri Bhindi? Here’s How You Can Make It An Air Fryer In Just 20 Mins


Bhindi, also called okra, is a staple dish in lots of Indian households. It is a type of greens which can be obtainable all 12 months spherical and can be utilized to make numerous dishes. While some individuals discover consolation in consuming this veggie, others merely run away each time somebody mentions the phrase ‘bhindi’. If you fall into the previous class, you’ve got in all probability tried the ever-popular kurkuri bhindi. This crispy model of standard bhindi tastes fairly unbelievable and has a separate fan base altogether. But because it’s deep-fried, most individuals keep away from consuming it as it may possibly result in a number of well being points. If you wish to take pleasure in kurkuri bhindi with out the guilt of consuming too many energy, you are in the fitting place. Here we convey you an air-fryer model of kurkuri bhindi that tastes nearly as good as the unique one.

Is Kurkuri Bhindi Healthy?

Kurkuri bhindi is usually made utilizing the method of deep-frying. This could provide you with that crispy texture, however the truth that it’s fried in oil makes it unhealthy and excessive in energy. It may result in a number of well being points, particularly for individuals who wrestle with sustaining cholesterol ranges. So, if you wish to relish this vegetable with out compromising your well being, we advise you stick with more healthy cooking choices similar to air-frying and baking.
Also Read: 5 Delicious Bhindi Recipes To Make For A Quick Lunch


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How To Make Kurkuri Bhindi In Air Fryer | Kurkuri Bhindi Recipe

First, wash the bhindi properly and pat it dry. Slit them from the centre to type skinny shards, and preheat the air fryer. Add besan (gram flour), corn flour, pink chilli powder, ginger-garlic paste, jeera, salt, oil, and lemon juice in a bowl and blend nicely to make a clean paste.
Now, add the slit bhindi to this bowl and ensure it is nicely coated with the paste. Brush some oil on the air fryer basket and unfold the bhindi throughout it. Do not overcrowd the basket. Bake the bhindi at 170 levels C for 10 minutes. You may toss them in between.
Once completed, brush some extra oil over them and bake for an additional 5 minutes at 190 levels C till they flip crispy and golden brown. Transfer to a bowl, sprinkle with chaat masala, and pair it together with your roti, paratha, or rice.
Also Read: 3 Easy Ways Of Making Yummy Kurkuri Bhindi At Home (Recipes Inside)

Click here for the complete recipe for kurkuri bhindi in the air fryer.

How To Store Leftover Kurkurki Bhindi?

To retailer leftover kurkuri bhindi, it is best to convey it to room temperature after which switch it to an hermetic container. This will forestall the bhindi from changing into soggy and assist preserve its crispness. Whenever you determine on consuming it once more, you might pop it within the air fryer for a couple of minutes to regain that crispy texture.

Try out the air fryer kurkuri bhindi recipe and tell us the way it turned out within the feedback part under. Happy Cooking!

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