Home Latest BBC to analyze presenter allegations ‘swiftly’, govt says

BBC to analyze presenter allegations ‘swiftly’, govt says

BBC to analyze presenter allegations ‘swiftly’, govt says


The broadcaster mentioned its processes included “actively attempting to speak to those who have contacted us in order to seek further detail and understanding of the situation”.

BBC, investigation, indian expressA BBC emblem is mirrored within the viewfinder of a tv digicam outdoors the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) headquarters in London, Britain, March 13, 2023. (Reuters)

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Britain’s BBC was questioned by the federal government on Sunday about its dealing with of an allegation that certainly one of its star presenters paid a youngster hundreds of kilos to pose for sexually specific images, starting once they have been 17 years outdated.

Culture Secretary Lucy Frazer held pressing talks with the broadcaster’s director common, Tim Davie, on Sunday concerning the allegations, which she described as “deeply concerning”.

“(Davie) has assured me the BBC are investigating swiftly and sensitively,” she mentioned on Twitter.

“Given the nature of the allegations it is important that the BBC is now given the space to conduct its investigation, establish the facts and take appropriate action.”

The Sun newspaper, which first reported the allegations, cited the younger particular person’s mom as saying the unnamed male presenter had paid {the teenager} greater than 35,000 kilos ($45,000) over three years for the pictures.

The mom instructed the newspaper that {the teenager} had used the money to fund a crack cocaine behavior.

The household complained to the broadcaster on May 19, however the presenter was not instantly taken off air, in line with the Sun, which mentioned the household had not requested fee for his or her story.

The BBC, which is funded by a licence charge paid by each TV watching family, mentioned in an announcement: “We treat any allegations very seriously and we have processes in place to proactively deal with them.”

The broadcaster mentioned its processes included “actively attempting to speak to those who have contacted us in order to seek further detail and understanding of the situation”.

“If we get no reply to our makes an attempt or obtain no additional contact that may restrict our means to progress issues nevertheless it doesn’t imply our enquiries cease.

“If, at any point, new information comes to light or is provided – including via newspapers – this will be acted upon appropriately, in line with internal processes,” it mentioned.

First revealed on: 09-07-2023 at 20:15 IST

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