Home Health Some Health Workers See Double the Risk for Fatal Drug Overdoses

Some Health Workers See Double the Risk for Fatal Drug Overdoses

Some Health Workers See Double the Risk for Fatal Drug Overdoses


Certain healthcare employees together with registered nurses (RNs) had been at elevated danger for deadly drug overdoses, a longitudinal examine from 2008 to 2019 discovered.

After adjustment for varied elements, the danger for overdose dying was greater than twofold larger for RNs (HR 2.22, 95% CI 1.57-3.13) and social or behavioral well being employees (HR 2.55, 95% CI 1.74-3.73) in comparison with non-healthcare employees, reported Mark Olfson, MD, MPH, of Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York City, and colleagues.

Increased danger was seen amongst healthcare help employees as nicely (HR 1.60, 95% CI 1.19-2.16), whereas physicians, well being technicians, and different treating or diagnosing well being employees had no larger danger, based on the findings within the Annals of Internal Medicine.

“When people think about who’s at risk for drug overdose deaths, what comes to mind are often young, white, unemployed men,” Olfson instructed MedWeb page Today. “So the finding that there were several groups of healthcare workers that were at significantly higher risk than other workers, that was a surprise.”

Overall, roughly 0.07% of the 176,000 healthcare employees and 0.07% of the 1.66 million non-healthcare employees within the examine died of a drug overdose through the greater than 10 years of follow-up. Age- and sex-standardized whole overdose deaths charges per 100,000 ranged from 2.3 for physicians to 11.0 for nurses to fifteen.5 for social or behavioral well being employees, as in contrast with 7.3 for the non-healthcare employee group.

Results had been “generally similar” when damaged down by both opioid-related overdose deaths or unintentional overdose deaths, based on the researchers.

Broadly talking, healthcare employees are usually not seen as having a better danger for drug overdose due to their “low-risk sociodemographic profile,” based on the researchers, with Olfson including that the sector is disproportionately feminine and consists of folks with larger schooling and better incomes.

The researchers prompt that a number of elements may place healthcare employees at elevated danger for drug overdose dying together with:

  • Relatively easy accessibility to opioids and different managed pharmaceuticals
  • Job stress and job-related burnout, which have been tied to elevated danger for opioid use dysfunction and/or danger for overdose
  • Routinely doing bodily strenuous duties that may result in musculoskeletal accidents and use of opioids to handle ache

Olfson harassed that these elements had been “somewhat speculative.”

Previous research has indicated larger charges of prescription drug misuse amongst RNs, so information on larger danger of overdose deaths amongst that group was not stunning, based on Olfson. In addition, studies have discovered that RNs working in positions with “higher levels of psychological or physical strain” are extra possible than their friends with decrease ranges of pressure to report nonmedical drug use.

But Olfson stated he had not anticipated that healthcare help employees would have practically twice the danger of an opioid-involved overdose dying (adjusted HR 1.84, 95% CI 1.22-2.54).

He famous that there are greater than 6 million healthcare help employees, similar to nursing residence employees and residential well being aides. The positions are low-paid, repetitive, and provide little alternative for development, he stated, including that these employees are disproportionately middle-age ladies of coloration in contrast with different employees in healthcare.

Support employees who steadily raise and transfer sufferers, have “among the very highest rates of occupational injury … higher than even construction workers. So there may be a hidden risk in that,” Olfson stated.

As for the upper charges of drug overdose deaths amongst social or behavioral well being employees, that’s “unlikely to be explained by occupational access to controlled substances or physical strain,” Olfson’s group wrote. However, there could also be subgroups of people — substance use dysfunction (SUD) counselors, for instance — who’ve a private historical past of substance use issues that will place them at larger danger of overdose, Olfson famous.

Given the eye to larger charges of suicide amongst physicians and that some overdoses are intentional, Olfson stated he anticipated overdose deaths in that group can be larger. But a 2020 meta-analysis discovered that suicide dying charges had been decrease amongst male physicians than males basically, and males nonetheless dominate the occupation, Olfson’s group said.

Study Details

Olfson and colleagues used the Mortality Disparities in American Communities pattern, which hyperlinks information from the 2008 American Community Survey (ACS) to cause-of-death certificates information from the National Death Index from 2008 to 2019. The 2008 ACS information was administered to 2.9 million addressees and had a 97.9% response charge.

“We took essentially 1% of American adults who are employed and just followed them forward to see who dies of what,” Olfson defined.

In phrases of demographics, a majority of the RNs, social or behavioral well being employees, and healthcare help employees had been white, feminine, married, and residing in city settings. RNs had been on the youthful aspect (ages 26-35) whereas the opposite two teams had been older (ages 46-55).

The major end result measure was whole drug overdose deaths — these coded with an underlying cause-of-death code for unintentional, intentional, or undetermined-intent drug poisoning together with different cause-of-death poisoning codes associated to opioids, cocaine, and different medication.

Study limitations included the truth that it didn’t seize the “recent shifts in the opioid landscape,” that occupational standing was assessed solely as soon as, and the danger for “misclassification” throughout the dying certificates as a result of stigma and “social pressure” from relations to not classify a dying as an overdose.

Expanded Resources

In phrases of addressing this subject, Olfson urged employers to coach their employees concerning the habit potential of opioids and different drugs, in addition to to coach supervisors to search for warning indicators of substance use issues.

He harassed the significance of healthcare employees with SUDs receiving confidential evidence-based therapy, given the stigma round the issue.

While just a few specialised packages tailor-made to physicians with SUDs have been developed, Olfson stated he couldn’t discover comparable packages for different healthcare employees.

He identified that physicians account for roughly 5% of the healthcare workforce. Based on the present evaluation, this group is at a decrease danger for overdose dying than different non-healthcare employees, he added.

“It’s not that they [physicians] don’t deserve access to quality care — everyone does,” Olfson stated. But “in terms of targeting scarce resources, there are higher-risk populations to focus on,” he said.

  • author['full_name']

    Shannon Firth has been reporting on well being coverage as MedWeb page Today’s Washington correspondent since 2014. She can be a member of the location’s Enterprise & Investigative Reporting crew. Follow


The examine was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute and the U.S. Census Bureau.

Olfson disclosed a relationship with the New York State Office of Mental Health. A co-author disclosed help from the National Institute on Drug Abuse and the National Institute of Mental Health.

Primary Source

Annals of Internal Medicine

Source Reference: Olfson M, et al “Fatal drug overdose risk of healthcare workers in the United States” Ann Intern Med 2023; DOI: 10.7326/M23-0902.

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