Home Health Milken Institute School of Public Health floods, temporarily closes

Milken Institute School of Public Health floods, temporarily closes

Milken Institute School of Public Health floods, temporarily closes


Media Credit: File Photo by Lillian Bautista | Senior Photo Editor

The building closed because of power loss and flood remediation, according to the advisory.

The Milken Institute School of Public Health has been temporarily closed because of flooding, according to a GW Advisory sent to the community Friday.

The advisory, sent at about 3:23 p.m., states that a broken water main in the building’s basement Thursday caused the flooding, and cleaning efforts are underway. The building closed because of power loss and flood remediation, according to the advisory.

“Faculty, staff and students are advised to avoid the building until remediation is complete,” the advisory states. “Traffic around Washington Circle and New Hampshire Avenue is impeded due to public works vehicles repairing the water main.”


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