Actor Kubbra Sait, who’s enjoying a cop within the collection ‘Shehar Lakhot’ within the noir crime drama ‘Shehar Lakhot’, expressed her pleasure and shared how difficult it was to depict it on-screen. Kubbra mentioned, “As an actor, I thrive more when surrounded by exceptional individuals who inspire and challenge me to grow both personally and professionally. Pulling off a police uniform for my role in ‘Shehar Lakhot’ was an exciting opportunity.”
The actor added that enjoying the position of a cop shouldn’t be solely difficult however greater than that, there’s a sense of duty. “Wearing the cop uniform commanded respect and instilled a sense of responsibility. In this story, the uniform symbolizes the challenges faced by our real-life heroes, reminding us of our flawed yet ever-evolving system,” she added.
Set within the fictional marble mining city of Lakhot, the collection is written and created by Navdeep Singh and Devika Bhagat and directed by Singh. Talking in regards to the director, she added, “Navdeep’s patience and support allowed us to truly shine as actors. With the crafting of a well-written script, I was able to delve into my memory and invoke the precise emotions needed.”
The collection options Priyanshu Painyuli, Chandan Roy Sanyal, and Kubbra Sait. It additionally options Manu Rishi Chadha, Shruthy Menon, Kashyap Shangari, Chandan Roy, Manjiri Pupala, Shruti Jolly, Gyan Prakash, and Abhilash Thapliyal. ‘Shehar Lakhot’ is streaming on Prime Video. (ANI)
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