Home Latest World Cancer Day 2024: Signs and signs of advanced-stage cervical most cancers

World Cancer Day 2024: Signs and signs of advanced-stage cervical most cancers

World Cancer Day 2024: Signs and signs of advanced-stage cervical most cancers


Cervical cancer, attributable to HPV virus (human papillomavirus) is preventable and may be handled in early pre-cancer and most cancers levels. Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, in her interim finances speech for 2024-25, steered that the federal government would actively promote cervical most cancers vaccination to struggle the lethal illness. “Our government will encourage vaccination for girls aged 9 to 14 years as a preventive measure against cervical cancer,” Sitharaman mentioned throughout her finances speech. A day after the finances speech on Friday mannequin and actuality TV star Poonam Pandey’s supervisor claimed the actress succumbed to cervical most cancers. Pandey on Saturday shared she’s alive and took this step to lift consciousness round cervical most cancers. (Also learn | Cervical Cancer Awareness Month: 8 benefits of HPV vaccine beyond cervical cancer prevention)

Advanced-stage cervical most cancers could current with numerous indicators and signs, indicating the illness’s development. (Freepik)

As Poonam Pandey’s controversial stunt shines highlight on this lethal illness forward of World Cancer Day, we requested consultants tips on how to determine indicators and signs of advanced-stage cervical most cancers.

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“Advanced-stage cervical cancer may present with various signs and symptoms, indicating the disease’s progression. One notable indication is persistent pelvic pain, often radiating to the lower back or legs. Additionally, women may experience abnormal vaginal bleeding, such as persistent white discharge, postmenopausal bleeding, spotting after intercourse which can be a concerning sign. Unexplained weight loss and fatigue are common in advanced stages, reflecting the impact of the disease on the body’s overall health. Bowel and urinary symptoms, like difficulty in urination or bowel movements, can occur when the cancer has spread to nearby tissues,” says Dr Rubina Shanawaz, Consultant Gynecologist, Fortis Hospital, Cunningham Road.

“As the cancer progresses, it may affect the surrounding organs, leading to discomfort during sexual intercourse. Swelling of the legs can be a result of the cancer obstructing blood flow in the pelvic region,” provides Dr Rubina.

“Advanced-stage cervical cancer may exhibit various signs and symptoms that indicate its progression and severity. It’s important to be aware of these indicators for timely intervention and treatment,” says Dr Ramesh B, Obstetrician, Gynaec Laparosurgeon, IVF Specialist & Urogynaecology, Fertility Specialist, Endometriosis Specialist, Altius Hospitals, Bengaluru.


Dr Ramesh shares worrying indicators of later stage cervical most cancers that folks should know.

1. Persistent pelvic ache is a standard symptom of superior cervical most cancers. As the tumour grows and spreads to close by tissues and organs, people could expertise persistent or worsening ache within the pelvic area.

2. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is one other hallmark signal of superior cervical most cancers. This contains bleeding between durations, after menopause, or throughout or after sexual activity. Such bleeding could point out superior most cancers invading deeper layers of the cervix or close by buildings.

3. Pain throughout urination can happen because the most cancers advances and entails the bladder. The strain exerted by the tumour on the bladder can result in discomfort or ache throughout urination.

4. Difficulties with urination or defecation could come up as superior cervical most cancers places strain on the bladder or rectum. This can lead to challenges with each urination and bowel actions.

5. Changes in bowel habits, resembling constipation, diarrhea, or different alterations, could happen because the most cancers impacts close by buildings within the pelvis.

6. Unexplained weight reduction is a major symptom of superior cervical most cancers. As the illness progresses, the physique’s metabolism could also be affected, resulting in important and unexplained weight reduction.

7. Back ache could develop as superior cervical most cancers spreads to the backbone or close by nerves, inflicting persistent discomfort.

8. Fatigue and weak point are frequent signs of superior cervical most cancers. The physique’s response to the illness and its development can lead to continual fatigue and weak point.

“In some cases, advanced cervical cancer may lead to the blockage of lymph vessels, resulting in swelling (lymphedema) of the legs. Bone fractures may occur in cases where cervical cancer has spread to the bones, leading to bone weakening and increased susceptibility to fractures,” says Dr Ramesh.


“Preventive measures for cervical cancer include vaccination against HPV, regular screening tests like Pap smears and HPV tests, practicing safe sex, limiting sexual partners, smoking cessation, maintaining a healthy diet and weight, regular medical check-ups, and increasing awareness through education campaigns. These measures collectively contribute to early detection, risk reduction, and overall women’s health, empowering individuals to take proactive steps in preventing cervical cancer and promoting well-being,” suggests Dr Ramesh.

“Regular check-ups, pap smears, and HPV screenings are crucial for early detection. However, if any of these symptoms persist or become more pronounced, it is imperative to seek prompt medical attention. Timely diagnosis and intervention increase the chances of successful treatment and improved outcomes. Women should maintain open communication with their healthcare providers, ensuring that any concerning symptoms are addressed promptly,” provides Dr Rubina.

Highlighting the necessity to unfold consciousness across the lethal most cancers, Dr Varsha Mali, emphasizes on the necessity for normal screening assessments like pap assessments and HPV DNA assessments.

“Cervical cancer is a preventable and treatable condition, and it is important to curate awareness campaigns in order to empower individuals for them to be able to effectively navigate through the treatment process. Early detection significantly improves the chances of successful treatment of pre-cancers and cancer. In this regard, regular screening tests become essential – HPV DNA tests and Pap tests are cervical cancer screening options that could be undertaken post discussion with a health expert. Regular screening has been shown to prevent cervical cancers and save lives. At the same time, it is important for individuals to be aware of the signs and symptoms of cervical cancer, including abnormal bleeding or pelvic pain – as it can greatly help in avoiding any delay in the diagnosis process,” says Dr Varshali Mali, Senior Consultant Obstetrics and Gynecology, Surya Mother and Child Super Speciality Hospital, Pune.

Role of vaccination in cervical most cancers prevention

Vaccination is a crucial instrument to guard in opposition to sure cancers attributable to human papillomavirus (HPV) an infection, say consultants. A cervical most cancers vaccine is a vaccine that protects in opposition to sure HPV strains, that are sexually transmitted infections which are recognized to trigger cervical most cancers.

“The most widely used vaccines, such as Gardasil and Cervarix, target the high-risk HPV types 16 and 18, responsible for most cervical cancer cases. These vaccines are most effective when administered before any sexual activity, ideally during adolescence, and are typically recommended for females aged 9 to 26. By inducing an immune response against HPV, these vaccinations help prevent persistent infections that can lead to cervical abnormalities and, ultimately, cervical cancer. Regular screening, such as PAP smears, remains important even for vaccinated individuals, as the vaccines do not cover all HPV strains associated with cervical cancer. Early vaccination and comprehensive healthcare measures play a crucial role in reducing the incidence of cervical cancer,” says Dr Mali.

“It is important to do regular exercise and practice safe sex in preventing cervical cancer and enhancing well-being. Whether through a brisk walk, dance, or yoga, physical activity proves a potent tool. Using condoms and limiting sexual partners is also a crucial preventive measure. Amidst this awareness, it’s crucial to acknowledge the role of the HPV virus in cervical cancer prevention,” concludes Dr Mali.

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