Home Latest Bird Flu Pandemic Threat Looms As New Research Reveals Widespread Impact

Bird Flu Pandemic Threat Looms As New Research Reveals Widespread Impact

Bird Flu Pandemic Threat Looms As New Research Reveals Widespread Impact


Bird Flu Pandemic Threat Looms As New Research Reveals Widespread Impact

882 H5N1 human infections have been reported from 23 international locations.

Bird flu, a illness often called H5N1, has been gaining consideration currently as scientists, governments, and conspiracy theorists gear up for potential pandemics. However, a warning from a scientist means that one other pandemic may already be underway, in response to The Metro.

Dr Diana Bell, a conservation biology professor on the University of East Anglia, factors out that chicken flu has been spreading quickly since 2020.

Initially rising in home geese in China in 1997, the illness has since prolonged its attain throughout continents, affecting varied non-avian species apart from birds, as per the news outlet.

Recent research highlighted by Dr Bell reveals that since 2020, 26 international locations have reported quite a few mammal species falling sufferer to the virus. Even polar bears and dolphins have been affected, with alarming numbers of deaths noticed in varied animal populations.

Human circumstances have additionally been reported, with 882 circumstances of chicken flu throughout 23 international locations within the earlier 12 months, leading to a worrying fatality fee of 52%. Poultry-to-human infections, notably prevalent in sure Asian international locations, increase issues in regards to the virus’s potential to adapt and grow to be extra infectious.

While the origin of Covid-19 stays unsure, parallels might be drawn to chicken flu, as each are believed to have originated from zoonotic spillover occasions, the place viruses leap from animals to people.

Although human-to-human transmission of chicken flu hasn’t been widespread, the World Health Organisation nonetheless considers it a major pandemic menace.

Dr Bell emphasises the pressing want for analysis and surveillance to grasp the virus’s adaptability and potential to contaminate extra species.

However, the rapid focus stays on mitigating its influence on chicken populations, which have suffered devastating losses worldwide.

Addressing the foundation trigger, Dr. Bell advocates for a worldwide overhaul of poultry farming practices, emphasising the necessity to transfer away from intensive farming strategies. This shift might assist stop future outbreaks and curb the unfold of chicken flu, finally safeguarding each animal and human well being.

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