Home Latest Digital Technology Sabha | 25th – 28th August 2020 – Express Computer

Digital Technology Sabha | 25th – 28th August 2020 – Express Computer

Digital Technology Sabha | 25th – 28th August 2020 – Express Computer


It has been the end of business as we knew it. Ever since the Coronavirus pandemic began; almost every major country has faced large, structural economic disruption.

With entire industries brought to a screeching halt by the lockdown, nations have begun a cautious ascent to resumption of business. The effects of Covid-19 are felt globally, and it has impacted the technology sector like never before.

As organisations are encouraging staff to work-from-home, a new set of challenges have surfaced for tech giants like securing data and assets from cyber threats.

It is also important to note how Government agencies are strengthening their disaster management wings to tackle situations like this, and gear themselves up for uninterrupted business processes.

From a positive perspective, the pandemic has created an opportunity to accelerate remote working culture, adopt collaborative applications, security solutions, big data and AI, and possible carbon emission reductions.


Express Digital Technology Sabha Awards are given for demonstrating innovative use of a particular technology or a combination of technologies for distinct benefits to the stakeholders.

Any Indian Government Department / Agency / Institution can submit their nominations:

If you have an interesting article / experience / case study to share, please get in touch with us at [email protected]


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