Home Latest California health officials release guidelines for return for college sports

California health officials release guidelines for return for college sports

California health officials release guidelines for return for college sports


As part of their release of guidelines on Friday for colleges statewide, California public health officials laid out a road map for college sports teams to return to practice and competition.

For practices to begin, programs must require regular periodic testing for COVID-19 for players, coaches and support staff. If there is a positive test, that individual must be required to isolate from the rest of the team.

Masks must be required for coaches, staff, media and any players who are not dressed to play.

Games will be allowed to begin competition without spectators if schools can provide COVID-19 testing and results within 72 hours of the beginning of the game or match in high-risk contact sports.

The state also recommends that athletic departments consider sharing testing results with opposing teams prior to games. Schools will also be required to notify opposing teams if a player tests positive within 48 hours of the end of the game.

Schools like USC and UCLA in Los Angeles County are still waiting on county officials to give them permission to begin practices. Football teams in the Pac-12 are allowed to begin training camp on Aug. 17 as long as they have permission from local officials.

Other conferences, such as the Big West, have already postponed fall sports seasons.

In the public health statement on Friday, California Gov. Gavin Newsom added that the state “will be actively monitoring decisions by [institutions of higher education] and the NCAA, regarding protections to preserve eligibility through medical redshirts for players who exercise their right under the guidelines to opt-out for the season.”

“California will consider further action if the NCAA or other sport institutions fail to meet these requirements and prioritize their economic interests over the health and well-being of players – and their families,” Newsom stated.


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