In her first interview since taking up her post, timed to mark India’s 73rd anniversary as an independent republic this weekend, diplomat Gaitri Kumar said both democracies were “natural partners”. She said: “India and the UK have a unique and shared history, and our prime ministers are strong, dynamic and visionary leaders of stable governments. “They both believe that the real potential of India-UK relations can and must be realised. Our bilateral relationship is premised on strong fundamental virtues of democratic governance, respect for international rule of law and basic human freedoms.”
She foresees an even stronger India-UK relationship with joint initiatives and enterprise across medicine, technology, space, culture and heritage. Mrs Kumar added: “I believe it is these collaborations that will eventually drive the bulwark of the robust relations that the UK and India celebrate.”
Healthcare was also vital, she said, adding: “The collaboration between Oxford and Serum Institute of India for an affordable and widely accessible [coronavirus] vaccine is one example of our collaboration for a better world.
Our convergences and close co-operation on most global issues – including climate change, renewable energy, clean energy, disaster-resilient infrastructure, combating terrorism, our shared commitment to multilateralism, reform of the UN, and the preservation of a rules-based international order, make us natural partners.”
Mrs Kumar, a mother of two who boasts a 30-year diplomatic career, is only the third female High Commissioner to be appointed to London by Delhi.
She took office on June 22 without officially presenting her credentials to the Queen at Buckingham Palace, after the ceremony was postponed due to the pandemic. The event has yet to be rescheduled. Her last post, as ambassador to Belgium, Luxembourg and the EU, spanned the trials and tribulations of the post-Brexit Withdrawal Agreement.
Laughing off a suggestion that this experience may have coloured her approach to Britain, Mrs Kumar told of the high level of enthusiasm in forging “a robust economic partnership” between both countries.
She added: “Now, from London, my priority is, of course, India-UK trade!
“And since my arrival I have encountered nothing but a very high level of enthusiasm from official, political and business circles here – as in India – for a closer trade and economic partnership with willingness to be flexible to achieve the common objectives.”
A trade deal was in sight, she said, though it would not be quick.
She added: “Our Commerce Minister, Piyush Goyal, and UK Trade Secretary [Liz] Truss have tasked five working groups to engage intensively on specific tracks in a step-by-step, incremental approach towards an eventual trade agreement.”
Turning to Britain, she criticised the way former Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and members of the party’s extreme Left broke convention to politicise the Kashmir issue – traditionally viewed as an internal matter – to ferment divisions between Britain’s South Asian community. Mr Corbyn’s criticism of Delhi’s legal changes in Kashmir last year led to some Labour MPs courting Pakistani support.
Moderate Labour MP Liam Byrne even led a march of 10,000 Pakistani activists on the Indian High Commission. And a backlash resulted in Indian political activists supporting Conservative MPs in 48 targeted seats in last December’s general election.
She said: “Sadly, a decades-old issue between India and her western neighbour, which should be resolved bilaterally, has been proactively brought to UK – apparently to solicit funding and support.
“It has caused misgivings and divisions among Asian communities that had lived side by side, as close as brothers, for many decades.” She said Labour’s repositioning on the issue by new leader Sir Keir Starmer, would “assuage concerns in the community here and in India where it has been well received”.
Referring to yesterday’s 74th India Day, Mrs Kumar said: “I see the journey ahead for my country as being a collaborative partnership with our allies and friends towards a better world.
“It is in the spirit of Prime Minister’s Modi’s vision of human-centric globalisation when he spoke recently at the UN’s Economic and Social Council.
“And this is just what our ancient Indian scriptures have repeatedly reminded us – Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam – the world is one family.”
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