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Sports agate — Aug. 20, 2020

Sports agate — Aug. 20, 2020


Vernon Downs

Friday’s Entries

Post Time 3 p.m.

1ST RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $6,600.

1 Crevior (Trond Smedshammer) 5-2 8-X-X

2 Beantown Madness (Scott Zeron) 3-2 1-X-X

3 Mister Kyle (Phil Fluet) 15-1 7-X-X

4 Titan On The Rail (Michael Mc Givern) 9-2 6-X-X

5 Cherry Mason (Mark Macdonald) 15-1 6-X-X

6 Joxter (Dan Daley) 7-2 8-8-X

2ND RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $6,600.

1 Cutthe Cord (Phil Fluet) 15-1 5-X-X

2 Just For Luck (Andy Miller) 3-1 6-X-X

3 Up On The Roof (Dan Daley) 5-2 2-7-X

4 Sunny Days (Claude Huckabone III) 6-1 5-X-X

5 Palpitations (Tyler Buter) 3-2 4-4-X

6 Yankee Bluestone (Brian Cross) 12-1 X-X-X

3RD RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $3,600.

1 Winning Princess (Jennifer Lappe) 6-1 5-2-3

2 Book Seven (Andy Miller) 7-2 6-8-1

3 Kolin (Leon Bailey) 4-1 4-3-5

4 Schwarber (John Macdonald) 7-1 8-1-4

5 Majestic Fire (Dan Daley) 3-1 1-2-1

6 Adorable Ben (Claude Huckabone III) 15-1 5-4-3

7 Angel Magic (Joe Nassimos) 15-1 6-6-1

8 Missus Mia Wallace (Tyler Buter) 9-1 2-7-4

9 Jersey Boy (Ben Mcneil) 15-1 1-1-6

4TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $4,400.

1 American Jj (Michael D Miller) 15-1 1-1-4

2 Frisky Joe (John Macdonald) 15-1 6-3-1

3 Aces And Eights (Dan Daley) 15-1 8-6-8

4 Spoiler Alert (Howard Parker) 5-2 2-5-3

5 All Rise (Tyler Buter) 9-2 3-5-1

6 Warrawee Preferred (Leon Bailey) 7-2 1-4-4

7 Volare (Jason Bartlett) 7-2 7-8-9

8 All Heart I Am (Andy Miller) 15-1 1-2-7

9 Alex The Great (Brian Cross) 15-1 4-1-2

5TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $6,700.

1 Henry Iam Iam (Brian Cross) 7-1 3-X-X

2 Conall (Leon Bailey) 2-1 4-X-X

3 Titanama (Andy Miller) 15-1 3-X-X

4 Kasha Ticket (Dan Daley) 5-2 9-X-X

5 Master Mark (Phil Fluet) 6-1 5-3-X

6 Ruthless Workout (Wally Hennessey) 9-2 1-X-X

7 Royal Rumble (Scott Zeron) 8-1 2-X-X

6TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $51,300.

1 Dee’s Red Delicous (Corey Callahan) 7-2 1-X-X

2 In The Cards (Scott Zeron) 12-1 7-X-X

3 Barn Hall (Jason Bartlett) 7-2 1-X-X

4 Manuka (Mark Macdonald) 15-1 4-X-X

5 Black Tie Bash (Brian Sears) 8-1 X-X-X

6 Ambassador Hanover (Ake Svanstedt) 9-5 1-X-X

7 Steel (Andy Miller) 6-1 5-X-X

7TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $15,000.

1 I Love My Country (Jason Bartlett) 5-2 8-X-X

1A Torrey Pines PP7(Dan Daley) 5-2 4-6-X

2 Yucatan Party Man (Niko Karna) 12-1 2-X-X

3 Seventier (Trond Smedshammer) 12-1 3-X-X

4 Ready For Workout (Tyler Buter) 7-2 2-X-X

5 Refiner (Mark Macdonald) 7-1 3-X-X

6 San Cristobal (Brian Sears) 15-1 1-X-X

7 Royson’s Punch PP8(Scott Zeron) 2-1 1-X-X

8TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $15,000.

1 Sevenshotsobourbon (Wally Hennessey) 9-5 1-2-X

2 Yankee Strong (Tyler Buter) 10-1 4-4-X

3 Chapolier (Trond Smedshammer) 15-1 4-X-X

4 Dewey Arnold (Corey Callahan) 7-2 3-X-X

5 Avel (Dan Daley) 15-1 7-X-X

6 Jj Back Again (Andy Miller) 9-1 X-X-X

7 Hoolie N Hector (Jason Bartlett) 2-1 5-X-X

8 Seven Nation Army (Mark Macdonald) 15-1 X-X-X

9TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $52,200.

1 Ahundreddollarbill (Jason Bartlett) 2-1 6-X-X

2 Sevenshadesofgrey (Corey Callahan) 12-1 2-X-X

3 Incommunicado (Ake Svanstedt) 5-2 2-X-X

4 Unwritten Chapter (Wally Hennessey) 3-1 4-X-X

5 Creditrina (Trond Smedshammer) 15-1 3-X-X

6 Fix-it-up (Andy Miller) 15-1 X-X-X

7 Special Prosecutor (Brian Sears) 7-1 3-1-X

8 Credit Con (Tyler Buter) 15-1 9-X-X

10TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $160,140.

1 Ramona Hill (Andrew Mccarthy) 3-2 X-X-X

2 Hypnotic Am (Brian Sears) 5-2 1-1-1

3 Sorella (Dexter Dunn) 8-5 X-X-X

4 Fortune Starlet (Wally Hennessey) 10-1 X-X-X

5 Tricky Sister (Jason Bartlett) 12-1 7-4-X

11TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $330,000.

1 Back Of The Neck (Scott Zeron) 5-2 1-X-X

2 Chaptiama (Trond Smedshammer) 8-1 1-4-2

3 Coventry Hall (Andrew Mccarthy) 15-1 3-3-2

4 Ready For Moni (Matt Kakaley) 9-5 X-X-X

5 Third Shift (Ake Svanstedt) 8-1 1-1-1

6 Berkery J (Brian Sears) 15-1 3-6-1

7 King Alphonso (Dexter Dunn) 10-1 X-X-X

8 Big Oil (Andy Miller) 12-1 X-X-X

9 Rome Pays Off (Mattias Melander) 15-1 X-X-X

12TH RACE–Pace 1 Mile. Purse $2,400.

1 Bella Cookie (Claude Huckabone Jr) 15-1 5-8-6

2 My Rugala (Brett Crawford) 9-2 7-1-3

3 Roll With Joy (Leon Bailey) 3-1 3-5-7

4 Trump Usa Blues (Gates Brunet) 15-1 7-8-7

5 Fort Le June (Joe Nassimos) 15-1 7-6-5

6 Doyoukissfirstdate (Dan Daley) 6-1 2-5-X

7 Allow Me Hanover (John Macdonald) 8-5 X-X-X

8 Fiona (Howard Parker) 12-1 1-4-6

13TH RACE–Pace 1 Mile. Purse $1,800.

1 The Big Bankroll (John Macdonald) 7-2 7-1-5

2 Future Life (Howard Parker) 6-1 4-7-5

3 Island Adventure (George Harrison) 15-1 5-3-7

4 Quid Pro Quo (Gary Minckler) 10-1 7-8-6

5 Our Els Dream N (Brett Crawford) 3-1 7-6-8

6 Private Performanc (D Huckabone-miller) 6-1 2-2-5

7 Tenwillgetutwenty (Josh Kinney) 15-1 4-4-4

8 Roll With Mimi (Claude Huckabone Jr) 10-1 3-2-3

9 Pearlameri (Leon Bailey) 7-1 9-1-1

14TH RACE–Pace 1 Mile. Purse $2,400.

1 Best American Chic (Alessandro Spano) 7-1 2-2-2

2 Elleofadeli (Todd Frocione) 5-1 6-7-7

3 Sharks Summrshandy (Truman Gale) 9-1 4-5-1

4 Heavenly Way (D Huckabone-miller) 6-1 1-6-4

5 Dream On A Roll (John Macdonald) 5-1 1-3-2

6 Peggy J (Ben Mcneil) 9-1 7-1-5

7 Tiger Boudoir (Leon Bailey) 7-2 3-2-6

8 Pudge’s Pastime (Howard Parker) 12-1 5-4-4

9 Glory Jean (Artie Dick) 8-1 3-6-8

15TH RACE–Trot 1 Mile. Purse $2,400.

1 Sargent Pickel (Howard Parker) 9-1 2-7-4

2 Newyorknewyork Deo (Claude Huckabone Jr) 12-1 8-X-X

3 First Response (Miriam Toland) 15-1 5-5-4

4 Mama’s Gift (Truman Gale) 7-2 8-7-4

5 Meghan C (John Macdonald) 5-1 5-6-6

6 What A Fit (Joe Nassimos) 15-1 3-3-2

7 Mid Chapter (Dan Daley) 2-1 7-4-2

8 Da Boogie Man (Brett Crawford) 4-1 2-2-X

Central District Women’s Golf Association

at Yahnundasis Golf Club

A Flight: Celeste Moore, Skenandoa, 34; Linda Kennedy, Kanon Valley, 34; Nina Owens, Skenandoa, 35.

B Flight: Rosilynn Barone, Yahnundasis, 39; Purnima Patel, Crestwood, 40; Natalie Brown, Skenandoa, 42.

C Flight: Ginny Drake, Oneida Community, 39; Maria Galton, Kanon Valley, 42; Kathy Guido, Cedar Lake, 43.

Closest to the pin: Owens.

Chip-ins: Carol Alexander, Kanon Valley, No. 10; Donna Donovan, Yahnundasis, No. 13; Moore, Skenandoa, No. 13.

Low Gross: Kennedy, 48.


MV Ladies 9-Hole District League

at Shamrock Golf Course

A Flight: Ann Palmiter, Barker Brook, 32; Kathy Same, Barker Brook, 32; Kathy Hoke, Woodgate Pines, 34; Nora Revere, 35, Heron Creek; Eileen McCann, Glass Hill, 37.

B Flight: Jane Reilly, 31, Shamrock; Judi Metcher, Crystal Springs, 33; Darlene MacDiarmid, Twin Ponds, 34; Cheryl Ceckanowicz, Glass Hill, 34; Nancy Frisillo, Twin Ponds, 35.

C Flight: Claudette Johnson, Glass Hill, 33; Tutti Wagner, Crystal Springs, 35; Ro Spohn, Shamrock, 37; Kathy Malinowski, Crystal Springs, 39; Rose Hosp, Glass Hill, 40.

D Flight: Jean Reile, Heron Creek, 37; Jean Bray, Twin Ponds, 39; Carol Reichert, Glass Hill, 41; Phylis Dye, Shamrock, 42; Liz Niemetz, Woodgate Pines, 43.

Low Net: Same, 45.

Chip-ins: Carol Lynn, Shamrock, No. 5; Joy Dapson, Barker Brook, No. 1; Same, Nos. 2 and 3.

Birdies: Dapson, No. 1; Same, No. 3.


Utica District Women’s Golf League

at Skenandoa Club

A Flight: Lynn Widrick, Teugega, 72; Diane Waldron, Cedar Lake, 74; Patt Kallet, Kanon Valley, 76; Meredith Roefaro, Crestwood, and Elizabeth Gilroy, Yahnundasis, 77s.

A Flight Low Gross: Pennie Carlo, Crestwood, 74.

A Flight Low Putts: Carlo, 28; Kallet, Barb Presky and Shelley Kron, 29; Waldron, 30; Maureen Bushinger, 31.

B Flight: Pat Hurrle, Kanon Valley, 74; Carol Cristaldi, Skenandoa, 75; Pat Wheeler, Cedar Lake, 76; Carol Chiarello, Stonebridge, Audrey Rishel, Skenandoa, Kathy Donegan, Kanon Valley, and Susan Matt, Sadaquada, 77s.

B Flight Low Gross: Chris Malone, Teugega, 91.

B Flight Low Putts: Malone, 29; Matt, 32; Hurrle, Cristaldi, Wheeler, 33; Rishel and Denise Hoffman, 34.

C Flight: Martha Lee, Cedar Lake, 73; Rita Mossler, Skenandoa, 74; Patt Barkett, Stonebridge, and Ginny DeGironimo, Cedar Lake, 75s; Monica Guernier, Cedar Lake, 76.

C Flight Low Gross: Mary Hopsicker, Cedar Lake, and Emilie Welpe, Crestwood, 100s.

C Flight Low Putts: Lee and Carol Schneider, 31; Hopsicker, Mossler, Welpe and Guernier, 33; Barkett and Barb Meelan, 34; Judy Davis and Marlene Carville, 35.

Major League Baseball

American League Glance

East Division

W L Pct GB

New York 16 8 .667 _

Tampa Bay 16 9 .640 1/2

Baltimore 12 12 .500 4

Toronto 10 11 .476 41/2

Boston 7 18 .280 91/2

Central Division

W L Pct GB

Minnesota 16 9 .640 _

Cleveland 15 9 .625 1/2

Chicago 14 11 .560 2

Detroit 9 13 .409 51/2

Kansas City 10 15 .400 6

West Division

W L Pct GB

Oakland 17 8 .680 _

Houston 14 10 .583 21/2

Texas 10 13 .435 6

Los Angeles 8 17 .320 9

Seattle 8 18 .308 91/2

Wednesday’s Games

Toronto 5, Baltimore 2

Boston 6, Philadelphia 3

Kansas City 4, Cincinnati 0, 7 innings, 1st game

Cleveland 6, Pittsburgh 1

Cincinnati 5, Kansas City 0, 7 innings, 2nd game

Tampa Bay 4, N.Y. Yankees 2

Chicago White Sox 5, Detroit 3

Milwaukee 9, Minnesota 3

Houston 13, Colorado 6

San Diego 6, Texas 3, 10 innings

Oakland 4, Arizona 1

San Francisco 7, L.A. Angels 2

Seattle 6, L.A. Dodgers 4

Thursday’s Games

Philadelphia (Howard 0-1) at Toronto (Anderson 0-0), 1:05 p.m., 1st game

Tampa Bay (TBD) at N.Y. Yankees (Paxton 1-1), 1:05 p.m.

Detroit (Turnbull 2-1) at Chicago White Sox (Giolito 1-2), 2:10 p.m.

Houston (Javier 2-1) at Colorado (Márquez 2-3), 3:10 p.m.

Philadelphia (Velasquez 0-0) at Toronto (Thornton 0-0), 4:35 p.m., 2nd game

Cleveland (Bieber 4-0) at Pittsburgh (Williams 1-3), 7:05 p.m.

L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 2-1) at Seattle (Kikuchi 0-1), 7:10 p.m.

Milwaukee (Woodruff 1-1) at Minnesota (Berríos 1-3), 7:10 p.m.

Boston (Eovaldi 1-2) at Baltimore (Wojciechowski 1-2), 7:35 p.m.

Texas (Gibson 1-2) at San Diego (Lamet 2-1), 8:10 p.m.

Arizona (Young 1-0) at Oakland (Manaea 0-2), 9:40 p.m.

L.A. Angels (Heaney 1-1) at San Francisco (Gausman 0-1), 9:45 p.m.

Friday’s Games

Toronto at Tampa Bay, 6:40 p.m.

Detroit at Cleveland, 7:10 p.m.

N.Y. Yankees at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.

Boston at Baltimore, 7:35 p.m.

Minnesota at Kansas City, 8:05 p.m.

Chicago White Sox at Chicago Cubs, 8:15 p.m.

Houston at San Diego, 9:10 p.m.

Texas at Seattle, 9:10 p.m.

L.A. Angels at Oakland, 9:40 p.m.

National League

East Division

W L Pct GB

Atlanta 14 11 .560 _

Miami 9 9 .500 11/2

Philadelphia 9 10 .474 2

New York 12 14 .462 21/2

Washington 9 12 .429 3

Central Division

W L Pct GB

Chicago 16 8 .667 _

Milwaukee 11 11 .500 4

St. Louis 6 7 .462 41/2

Cincinnati 10 12 .455 5

Pittsburgh 4 16 .200 10

West Division

W L Pct GB

Los Angeles 18 8 .692 _

Colorado 13 11 .542 4

San Diego 14 12 .538 4

Arizona 13 12 .520 41/2

San Francisco 10 16 .385 8

Wednesday’s Games

Boston 6, Philadelphia 3

St. Louis 9, Chicago Cubs 3, 7 innings, 1st game

Kansas City 4, Cincinnati 0, 7 innings, 1st game

Chicago Cubs 4, St. Louis 2, 7 innings, 2nd game

Cleveland 6, Pittsburgh 1

Cincinnati 5, Kansas City 0, 7 innings, 2nd game

N.Y. Mets 5, Miami 3

Milwaukee 9, Minnesota 3

Houston 13, Colorado 6

San Diego 6, Texas 3, 10 innings

Oakland 4, Arizona 1

San Francisco 7, L.A. Angels 2

Seattle 6, L.A. Dodgers 4

Thursday’s Games

Philadelphia (Howard 0-1) at Toronto (Anderson 0-0), 1:05 p.m., 1st game

Houston (Javier 2-1) at Colorado (Márquez 2-3), 3:10 p.m.

Philadelphia (Velasquez 0-0) at Toronto (Thornton 0-0), 4:35 p.m., 2nd game

N.Y. Mets (Lugo 1-2) at Miami (Castano 0-1), 6:10 p.m.

Cleveland (Bieber 4-0) at Pittsburgh (Williams 1-3), 7:05 p.m.

L.A. Dodgers (Kershaw 2-1) at Seattle (Kikuchi 0-1), 7:10 p.m.

Milwaukee (Woodruff 1-1) at Minnesota (Berríos 1-3), 7:10 p.m.

Texas (Gibson 1-2) at San Diego (Lamet 2-1), 8:10 p.m.

Cincinnati (Gray 4-1) at St. Louis (Wainwright 2-0), 8:15 p.m.

Arizona (Young 1-0) at Oakland (Manaea 0-2), 9:40 p.m.

L.A. Angels (Heaney 1-1) at San Francisco (Gausman 0-1), 9:45 p.m.

Friday’s Games

Miami at Washington, 6:05 p.m.

Milwaukee at Pittsburgh, 7:05 p.m.

N.Y. Yankees at N.Y. Mets, 7:10 p.m.

Philadelphia at Atlanta, 7:10 p.m.

Chicago White Sox at Chicago Cubs, 8:15 p.m.

Cincinnati at St. Louis, 8:15 p.m.

Houston at San Diego, 9:10 p.m.

Colorado at L.A. Dodgers, 9:40 p.m.

Arizona at San Francisco, 9:45 p.m.

2020 SEC Football Schedule

Saturday, Sept. 26

Alabama at Missouri

Georgia at Arkansas

Kentucky at Auburn

Mississippi State at LSU

Florida at Mississippi

Tennessee at South Carolina

Vanderbilt at Texas A&M

Saturday, Oct. 3

Texas A&M at Alabama

Arkansas at Mississippi State

Auburn at Georgia

South Carolina at Florida

Mississippi at Kentucky

LSU at Vanderbilt

Missouri at Tennessee

Saturday, Oct. 10

Alabama at Mississippi

Arkansas at Auburn

Florida at Texas A&M

Tennessee at Georgia

Mississippi State at Kentucky

Missouri at LSU

South Carolina at Vanderbilt

Saturday, Oct. 17

Georgia at Alabama

Mississippi at Arkansas

Auburn at South Carolina

LSU at Florida

Kentucky at Tennessee

Texas A&M at Mississippi State

Vanderbilt at Missouri

Saturday, Oct. 24

Alabama at Tennessee

Auburn at Mississippi

Missouri at Florida

Georgia at Kentucky

South Carolina at LSU

Saturday, Oct. 31

Mississippi State at Alabama

Arkansas at Texas A&M

LSU at Auburn

Kentucky at Missouri

Mississippi at Vanderbilt

Saturday, Nov. 7

Tennessee at Arkansas

Florida vs. Georgia, at Jacksonville, Fla.

Vanderbilt at Mississippi State

Texas A&M at South Carolina

Saturday, Nov. 14

Alabama at LSU

Arkansas at Florida

Auburn at Mississippi State

Georgia at Missouri

Vanderbilt at Kentucky

South Carolina at Mississippi

Texas A&M at Tennessee

Saturday, Nov. 21

Kentucky at Alabama

LSU at Arkansas

Tennessee at Auburn

Florida at Vanderbilt

Mississippi State at Georgia

Mississippi at Texas A&M

Missouri at South Carolina

Saturday, Nov. 28

Auburn at Alabama

Arkansas at Missouri

Kentucky at Florida

Georgia at South Carolina

LSU at Texas A&M

Mississippi State at Mississippi

Tennessee at Vanderbilt

Saturday, Dec. 5

Alabama at Arkansas

Texas A&M at Auburn

Florida at Tennessee

Vanderbilt at Georgia

South Carolina at Kentucky

Mississippi at LSU

Missouri at Mississippi State

Saturday, Dec. 12

Open Date

Saturday, Dec. 19

SEC Championship (Atlanta)

NBA Playoffs

All games in Orlando, Fla.

First Round


Wednesday, August 19

Toronto 104, Brooklyn 99

Utah 124, Denver 105

Boston 128, Philadelphia 101

Dallas 127, L.A. Clippers 114

Thursday, August 20

Miami vs. Indiana, 1 p.m.

Oklahoma City vs. Houston, 3:30 p.m.

Milwaukee vs. Orlando, 6 p.m.

L.A. Laker vs. Portland, 9 p.m.

Friday, August 21

Toronto vs. Brooklyn, 1:30 p.m.

Denver vs. Utah, 4 p.m.

Boston vs. Philadelphia, 6:30 p.m.

L.A. Clippers vs. Dallas, 9 p.m.


Eastern Conference

W L Pct GB

Chicago 8 4 .667 —

Connecticut 5 7 .417 3

Indiana 4 7 .364 31/2

Washington 4 7 .364 31/2

Atlanta 2 10 .167 6

New York 1 10 .091 61/2

Western Conference

W L Pct GB

Seattle 11 1 .917 —

Las Vegas 8 3 .727 21/2

Minnesota 8 3 .727 21/2

Los Angeles 8 3 .727 21/2

Phoenix 6 6 .500 5

Dallas 4 8 .333 7

Wednesday’s Games

Washington 98, Atlanta 91

Minnesota 91, Dallas 84

Los Angeles 83, Phoenix 74

Thursday’s Games

Chicago at New York, 7 p.m.

Seattle at Indiana, 8 p.m.

Connecticut at Las Vegas, 10 p.m.

Friday’s Games

Los Angeles at Atlanta, 7 p.m.

Washington at Dallas, 8 p.m.

Minnesota at Phoenix, 10 p.m.

NHL Playoffs

First Round


Wednesday, Aug. 19

At Toronto

Tampa Bay 5, Columbus 4, OT, Tampa Bay wins series 4-1

Boston 2, Carolina 1, Boston wins series 4-1

Montreal 5, Philadelphia 3, Philadelphia leads series 3-2

At Edmonton, Alberta

Colorado 7, Arizona 1, Colorado wins series 4-1

Vancouver 4 St. Louis 3, Vancouver leads series 3-2

Thursday, Aug. 20

At Toronto

N.Y. Islanders vs. Washington, 8 p.m.

At Edmonton, Alberta

Dallas vs. Calgary, 10:30 p.m.

Friday, Aug. 21

At Toronto

Philadelphia vs. Montreal, 7 p.m.

At Edmonton, Alberta

St. Louis vs. Vancouver, 9:45 p.m.

Major League Soccer

Eastern Conference


Columbus 4 0 1 13 9 1

Toronto FC 3 0 3 12 12 7

Orlando City 2 1 2 8 7 5

Philadelphia 2 1 2 8 7 7

Montreal 2 2 1 7 8 8

New York 2 2 1 7 5 7

Atlanta 2 3 0 6 4 5

New England 1 1 3 6 4 4

Cincinnati 2 3 0 6 6 9

D.C. United 1 2 2 5 6 7

Nashville SC 1 2 1 4 2 3

Chicago 1 3 1 4 4 8

NY City FC 1 4 0 3 2 6

Inter Miami CF 0 5 0 0 3 8

Western Conference


Sporting KC 4 1 0 12 13 5

Minn. United 3 0 2 11 12 6

Portland 3 1 1 10 8 7

Los Angeles FC 2 0 3 9 15 10

Seattle 2 1 2 8 7 4

San Jose 2 1 2 8 10 10

Colorado 2 2 1 7 8 9

Vancouver 2 4 0 6 7 13

Real Salt Lake 1 1 3 6 3 3

FC Dallas 1 1 2 5 4 3

Houston 0 2 3 3 6 11

LA Galaxy 0 3 2 2 5 11

Note: Three points for victory, one point for tie.

Thursday’s Games

New York City FC at New York, 7 p.m.

Chicago at Columbus, 7:30 p.m.

Philadelphia at New England, 7:30 p.m.

Friday’s Games

D.C. United at Cincinnati, 7:30 p.m.

Sporting Kansas City at Minnesota, 7:30 p.m.

FC Dallas at Houston, 8 p.m.

Vancouver at Toronto FC, 8 p.m.

PGA Tour Champions

Charles Schwab Series


At Buffalo Ridge Springs

Hollister, Mo.

Par 71

First Round

Tom Lehman 33-31_64   -7

Shane Bertsch 31-33_64   -7

Tim Petrovic 33-33_66   -5

Wes Short, Jr. 32-34_66   -5

Darren Clarke 32-34_66   -5

Kent Jones 34-33_67   -4

Michael Allen 31-36_67   -4

Duffy Waldorf 32-35_67   -4

Glen Day 33-34_67   -4

Brett Quigley 36-31_67   -4

Kenny Perry 33-34_67   -4

Steve Stricker 32-35_67   -4

Steve Flesch 33-34_67   -4

Vijay Singh 31-36_67   -4

Marco Dawson 33-34_67   -4

Lee Janzen 34-34_68   -3

K.J. Choi 34-34_68   -3

Jesper Parnevik 33-35_68   -3

Tom Byrum 33-35_68   -3

Rocco Mediate 34-34_68   -3

Ernie Els 32-37_68   -3

Bernhard Langer 32-36_68   -3

Colin Montgomerie 33-35_68   -3

LPGA Tour Statistics

Through Aug. 16


1, Nasa Hataoka, 68.833. 2, Sei Young Kim, 68.875. 3, Danielle Kang, 68.895. 4, Brooke M. Henderson, 69.125. 5, Mi Jung Hur, 69.667. 6, Moriya Jutanugarn, 70.000. 7, Inbee Park, 70.154. 8, Celine Boutier, 70.304. 9, 2 tied with 70.333.

Driving Distance

1, Maria Fassi, 291.821. 2, Bianca Pagdanganan, 289.357. 3, Anne van Dam, 286.095. 4, Alana Uriell, 273.364. 5, Nelly Korda, 272.395. 6, Katherine Perry, 272.000. 7, Nanna Koerstz Madsen, 271.600. 8, Maia Schechter, 269.650. 9, Jessica Korda, 269.000. 10, Linnea Strom, 268.219.

Greens in Regulation

1, Brooke M. Henderson, 81.90%. 2, Sei Young Kim, 79.90%. 3, Nasa Hataoka, 76.90%. 4, Danielle Kang, 76.00%. 5, Carlota Ciganda, 75.80%. 6, Lindsey Weaver, 74.90%. 7, Lexi Thompson, 74.40%. 8, Marina Alex, 73.60%. 9, 2 tied with 73.10%.

Putts per GIR

1, Mi Jung Hur, 1.709. 2, Paula Reto, 1.720. 3, Jenny Haglund, 1.730. 4 (tie), Mind Muangkhumsakul and Su Oh, 1.733. 6, Minjee Lee, 1.734. 7, So Yeon Ryu, 1.750. 8, Lydia Ko, 1.752. 9, Madelene Sagstrom, 1.753. 10, Danielle Kang, 1.754.


1, Jasmine Suwannapura, 91. 2 (tie), Cydney Clanton and Danielle Kang, 82. 4 (tie), Celine Boutier and Xiyu Lin, 81. 6, Yu Liu, 80. 7, Madelene Sagstrom, 75. 8, Pernilla Lindberg, 73. 9, Cheyenne Knight, 72. 10, 3 tied with 70.


1 (tie), Perrine Delacour, Maria Fassi, Minjee Lee and Elizabeth Szokol, 4. 5, 8 tied with 3.

Sand Save Percentage

1, Na Yeon Choi, 90.00%. 2 (tie), Perrine Delacour and So Yeon Ryu, 84.62%. 4, Jeongeun Lee6, 80.00%. 5, Klara Spilkova, 75.76%. 6 (tie), Ssu-Chia Cheng, Laura Davies, Jenny Haglund and Karrie Webb, 75.00%. 10, Yealimi Noh, 73.68%.

Rounds Under Par

1, Mi Jung Hur, 83.33%. 2 (tie), Nasa Hataoka, Sei Young Kim and So Yeon Ryu, 75.00%. 5, Celine Boutier, 69.57%. 6, Marina Alex, 68.75%. 7, Minjee Lee, 68.42%. 8, Jessica Korda, 66.67%. 9, Jodi Ewart Shadoff, 64.71%. 10, Carlota Ciganda, 63.64%.

Home team in caps


Favorite Odds Underdog

YANKEES 51/2-61/2 Tampa Bay

WHITE SOX 8-9 Detroit

COLORADO Even-6 Houston

Mets 6-7 MIAMI

Boston 51/2-61/2 BALT

Cleveland 9-10 PITT

Dodgers 10-12 SEATTLE

MINNESOTA 51/2-61/2 Milwaukee

SAN DIEGO 71/2-81/2 Texas

Cincinnati 51/2-61/2 ST. LOUIS

OAKLAND 6-7 Arizona

Angels 51/2-61/2 SAN FRAN


Favorite Points Underdog

NBA Playoffs

First Round

x-Miami 41/2 INDIANA

x-HOUSTON 21/2 Ok City

x-MILWAUKEE 121/2 Orlando

x-LAKERS 61/2 Portland

x-at ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex


Favorite Goals Underdog

Stanley Cup Playoffs

First Round

2-Dallas Even-1/2 CALGARY

1-WASH Even-1/2 Islanders

1-Boston Even-1/2 CAROLINA

1-at Scotiabank Arena-Toronto, Canada.

2-at Rogers Place-Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

(c) Tribune Content Agency


Major League Baseball

American League

BOSTON RED SOX — Recalled INF Christian Arroyo from the IL. Optioned RHP Marcus Walden to alternate training site. Designated RHP Mike Shawaryn for assignment. Claimed RHP Andrew Triggs off waivers from San Francisco and optioned to alternate training site. Designated LHP Stephen Gonsalves for assignment.

CHICAGO WHITE SOX — Recalled RHP Dane Dunning from alternate training site. Reinstated OF Adam Engel from the IL. Designated INF Chester Cuthbert for assignment. Optioned RHP Jose Ruiz to alternate training site.

DETROIT TIGERS — Optioned RHP Beau Burrows to alternate training site. Transferred INF C.J. Cron and RHP Dario Agrazal from the 10-day IL to the 60-day IL. Selected the contract of OF Jorge Bonifacio and RHP Casey Mize from the alternate training site. Placed INF Harold Castro on the 10-day IL.

KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Selected the contract of RHP Matt Harvey from alternate training site. optioned RHP Kevin McCarthy to alternate training site. Recalled RHP Jesse Hahn from paternity leave.

MINNESOTA TWINS — Activated LHP Rich Hill from the 10-day IL. Optioned RHP Zach Littell to alternate training site.

OAKLAND ATHLETICS — Recalled RHP Paul Blackburn from alternate site. Optioned RHP James Kaprielian to alternate training site.

SEATTLE MARINERS — Optioned RHP Bryan Shaw and RHP Art Warren to alternate training site.

TAMPA BAY RAYS — Placed RHP Yonny Chirinos on the 10-day IL retroactive to Aug. 17. Recalled RHP Aaron Siegers from alternate training site.

TEXAS RANGERS — Transferred LHP Joe Palumbo from the 10-day IL to the 60-day IL.

TORONTO BLUE JAYS — Placed RHP Nate Pearson on the 10-day IL. Recalled RHP Jacob Waguespack from alternate training site.

National League

ATLANTA BRAVES — Optioned RHP Bryse Wilson to alternate training site.

ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS — Selected the contract of LHP Matt Grace from alternate training site. Placed LHP Andrew Chafin on the 10-day IL. Released RHP James Sherfy.

CHICAGO CUBS — Recalled RHP Adbert Alzolay from alternate training site. Optioned RHP Adbert Alzolay to alternate training site.

CINCINNATI REDS — Placed OF Nick Senzel on the IL. Recalled INF Mike Moustakas from alternate training site.

COLORADO ROCKIES — Placed OF David Dahl on the 10-day IL retroactive to Aug. 18. Recalled INF Brendan Rodgers from alternate training site.

ST. LOUIS CARDINALS — Optioned RHP Ryan Meisinger to alternate training site. Activated LHP Austin Gomber from the 10-day IL. Recalled RHP Jake Woodford from alternate training site. Selected the contract of RHP John Oviedo from alternate training site.

SAN DIEGO PADRES — Traded RHP Jimmy Yacabonis to Seattle Mariners. Optioned CF Edward Olivares to alternate training site. Recalled RHP Michel Baez from alternate training site.

SAN FRANCISCO GIANTS — Recalled LHP Andrew Suarez from alternate training site. Optioned OF Steven Duggar to alternate training site.

LOS ANGELES DODGERS — Recalled LHP Victor Gonzalez from alternate site. Optioned RHP Tony Gonsolin to alternate training site.


National Football League

BUFFALO BILLS — Signed P Lac Edwards. Waived K Kaare Vedvik.

GREEN BAY PACKERS — Released T Travis Bruffy and WR Travis Fulgham.

KANSAS CITY CHIEFS — Signed WR Marcus Kemp. Waived WR Aleva Hifo and WR Andre Baccellia.

MINNESOTA VIKINGS — Waived CB Marcus Sayles.

NEW ORLEANS SAINTS — Signed TE Ethan Wolf. Waived DB Tino Ellis.

NEW YORK GIANTS — Signed K Graham Gano. Placed WR Cody Core on the IL.

NEW YORK JETS — Waived RB Kenneth Dixon. Signed WR Chris Hogan.

TENNESSEE TITANS — Signed QB Trevor Siemian, TE Geoff Swaim, RB Marcus Marshall and WR Krishawn Hogan. Waived QB Cole McDonald, RB Daylin Dawkins, WR Kyle Williams and TE Parker Hesse.


National Hockey League

DALLAS STARS — Signed D Ryan Shea to a two-year, entry level contract.

WASHINGTON CAPITALS — Signed G Zach Fucale to a one-year contract.


READING ROYALS — Re-signed D Aaron Titcomb for the 2020-2021 season.


Women’s National Basketball Association

WASHINGTON MYSTICS — Signed Jacki Gemelos to a seven-day contract.


Major League Soccer

PHILADELPHIA UNION — Signed M Paxten Aaronson to a contract starting in January 2021.

LA GALAXY — Acquired W Yony Gonzalez on loan from S.L. Benifica in Portugal.

USL Championship League

USL Championship — Suspended M Jahon Rad from Kansas City II, for one game following a red card offense against Saint Louis FC during an Aug. 15 match. Suspended D Caleb Kiner from Portland Timbers 2, for one game following two red card offenses against Reno 1868 FC during an Aug. 15 match. Suspended M Ayoze Perez from Indy Eleven, for one game following red card offense against Pittsburgh Riverhounds SC during an Aug. 15 match. Suspended G Wallis Lapsley, from New York Red Bulls, for one game following a red card offense against Loudoun United FC during an Aug. 12 match. Suspended M Anderson Asiedu from Birmingham Legion FC, for two red card offenses against Charlotte Independence during an Aug. 12 match.


TENNESSEE STATE — Named Tywaune Evans head women’s basketball coach.

UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO — Announced the resignation of assistant basketball coach Brandon Mason.


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