Home Health Health department reports 13 new coronavirus cases | Hoptown Chronicle

Health department reports 13 new coronavirus cases | Hoptown Chronicle

Health department reports 13 new coronavirus cases | Hoptown Chronicle


Christian County’s coronavirus case total now exceeds 800, according to an update Saturday from the local health department.

Thirteen new cases pushed the total since the pandemic began to 809, department spokeswoman Amanda Sweeney said in a press release. The total includes 256 active cases and 542 classified as recovered, in addition to the 11 COVID-19 related deaths in Christian County. 

The county’s seven-day average of new cases increased from 9.4 on Friday to 10.6 on Saturday. 

The number of confirmed, active cases by age group are:

  • Youth (0-21): 58
  • Young Adult-Middle Age (22-59): 135
  • Older Adult (60-84): 55
  • Elderly (85+): 8

(Jennifer P. Brown is the editor and founder of Hoptown Chronicle. Reach her at editor@hoptownchronicle.org.)


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